List of Geometric Algebra References
Dr. Frank Witte
has some "Lecture Notes on Classical Physics" and "Lecture Notes in Modern Electrodynamics"
using Geometric Algebra on his web site.
New (2007) book "Geometric Algebra for Computer Science: An Object-Oriented Approach to Geometry"
by Leo Dorst, Daniel Fontijne, and Stephen Mann.
I've received a copy and I am working through it.
Fortunately this book does have explicit examples!!
The description of the book
includes: "Explains GA as a natural extension of linear algebra and conveys its significance
for 3D programming of geometry in graphics, vision, and robotics. Systematically explores the
concepts and techniques that are key to representing elementary objects and geometric
operators using GA. Covers in detail the conformal model, a convenient way to
implement 3D geometry using a 5D representation space. Presents effective approaches to
making GA an integral part of your programming. Includes numerous drills and programming
exercises helpful for both students and practitioners."
David Hestenes is the main researcher behind the recent development of
Geometric Algebra. See his web site
Geometric Calculus
which contains lots of papers.
He also has a couple of books including
New Foundations for Classical Mechanics (Fundamental Theories of Physics, V. 99)
and with Garret Sobczyk
Clifford Algebra to Geometric Calculus: A Unified Language for Mathematics
and Physics (Fundamental Theories of Physics, Vol 5)
. Unfortunately, these books are *very* expensive.
Pertti Lounesto has a book
Clifford Algebras and Spinors
which is the best introduction to Clifford Algebras that I have seen. (Unfortunately,
he passed away not too long ago.) His web site is at
but I don't know for how much longer it will be available.
William E. Baylis is editor of the book
Clifford (Geometric) Algebras With Applications to Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering
which I found to be a very useful introduction with applications in physics.
William E. Baylis is also the author of the book
Electrodynamics: A Modern Geometric Approach (Progress in Physics, Vol 17)
University of Cambridge:
The Geometric Algebra Research Group
This site has a very nice set of Lecture Notes:
"A Lecture Course in Geometric Algebra"
by Anthony Lasenby and Chris Doran.
as well as other resources and links.
Chris Doran and Anthony Lasenby have a book
Geometric Algebra for Physicists
Ramon González Calvet, book: "Treatise of Plane Geometry Through Geometric Algebra "