Java 3D Transparency (Coding?) Problems?

I am trying to program 3 torus-like objects, one within the other, in Java 3D, with a transparency setting such that you can see all 3 objects.

Here is an image of what I mean.

Using 3,168 QuadArrays.

Here is the current code. (Not the code that porduced the above images, but is the code that produced the bottom images and which clearly shows the problems I am having.)

There are 3 shells: 1) Outer in red, 2) Middle in blue, 3) inner most in green. Each "shell" consists of a top torus and a bottom torus. In what follows, these objects are coded as 3 quadArrays: 1 quadArray for the outer top/bottom torii, 1 for the middle top/bottom torii, 1 for the inner most torii. These objects do not intersect each other; they are completely contained one in the other.

The problems are clearly seen in these next 2 images.

Using 3 QuadArrays. Top and Bottom not the same??
Using 3 QuadArrays. Left and Right not the same??

The code includes:


and in the appearance, the polygonattributes includes


I put each of the 3 quadArrays in a single OrderedGroup so that the inner one gets rendered 1st, middle 2nd, outer last.

    OrderedGroup OBG = new OrderedGroup();

    OBG.addChild(Torus3);  // render this one 1st
    OBG.addChild(Torus2);  // render this one 2nd
    OBG.addChild(Torus1);  // render this one 3rd

I thought the top/bottom problem might be because I had the bottom normals pointing in the wrong direction. Here is an image with the bottom normals pointing in the opposite direction:

Bottom half normals reversed.

so I guess I had the normals pointing in the correct direction after all.

So what else could the problems be a result of??

If anyone has alternative coding suggestion, please let me know.

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