Humans in Universe
Introduction to 10 Color Posters
The combined land areas of Africa, Europe, and Asia embrace within their
perimeters the Mediterranean, Black, Caspian, Aral, China, Arabian, Red, Baltic, and
North seas: altogether their area was historically thought of only as a flat Universe
sandwiched between heaven above and hell below and seemingly stretching away to
infinity in all lateral directions. Yet the total land area of this flat world constitutes less
than 17 percent of the subsequently-discovered-to-be-spherical Planet Earth's surface. All
the great empires of written history before A.D. 1500 lay well within that "known" flat
world: it was and as yet remains the spontaneous theater of popular historical
How did this pervading historical concept become outdated? What changed
the terrestrial conceptionings adopted by the leaders of the world's power structures?
When the archaeologists' artifact-proven history of mathematics opens 4,000
years ago in Babylon and Mesopotamia, it is already a very sophisticated science.
Mathematics may well have had its beginnings much earlier in India or Indochina, as it is
an art and science that has traveled consistently westward. Over 3,000 years ago the
Greeks made further magnificent contributions to geometry, algebra, and calculation. Then
about 2,000 years ago the Roman Empire all but obliterated mathematics. A little more
than 1,000 years ago Arabs and Hindus traveling through North Africa began to restore
some of the ancient mathematics to the westward-evolving culture. When al-Khwarizmi's
original A.D. 800 treatise on algebra was republished in Latin in
Carthage in 1200, it required a further 200 years for his elucidation of the function of
zero-the cipher-to be diffused into the university systems of Europe .
The cipher made possible the positioning of numbers, which in turn
facilitated division and multiplication. Imagine trying to multiply or divide with Roman
numerals . . . impossible! The Renaissance began with the new calculating facility
introduced by the cipher. The cipher was not only an essential tool in the work of
Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, but it also brought about Columbus' revised
concepts of terrestrial navigation. It went on to instrument the mechanical and leverage
calculation capabilities of Leonardo; and in the art of ship design the cipher gave birth to
structural and mechanical engineering, which made possible the intertensioning and
compressioning calculations of the ribbed structural strength of a sailing vessel as well as
that of its vast wind-energy-driven complex of compression and tension spars, sails, and
rigging-replacing the trial-and-error guesswork that had previously been used in naval and
land architecture. This capability in mathematical multiplication and division opened up a
whole new field of safely anticipated structural engineering and navigation.
This new anticipatory science made large engineering projects possible, but it
became known to, and then was employed by, only the world's richest schemers,
monarchs, nations, and pirate enterprisers. No others could afford to buy great ships.
With more powerfully engineered ships, humans emerged westward through Gibraltar to
explore the Atlantic, to sail around Africa, to reach the Orient and the Pacific by water,
and to circumnavigate the globe. Thus it became public knowledge that the old
open-edged, infinite world system had closed back on itself in all circumferential directions
to become a finite system: a closed sphere. The monarchs and merchants realized that,
within that closed system, whoever commanded the line of most efficient high seas supply
would become the masters of world wealth. Ships could carry cargoes that overland
caravans could not.
In 1600 the East India Company was founded as a private enterprise by
Queen Elizabeth and a small group of her intimates. The limited legal liability of their
enterprise was granted by royal decree, and its projects were thereafter militarily sustained
and protected by Great Britain's Royal Navy and colonial troops. In England the East
India Company College was established to train the officers of the enterprise for their
world-wide deployment; that college and its handsome campus are still in operation as of
1979. The British Empire became the first in history of which it could be said that the Sun
never set.
As professor of economics at the East India Company College in 1810
Thomas Malthus became the first economic authority ever to receive in toto the vital
statistics of a world-embracing spherical empire. At the very end of the 18th century
Malthus published his documented thesis that humanity was multiplying its numbers at a
geometric (exponential) rate of gain while increasing life-support production at only an
arithmetic (linear) rate of gain. And since the Earth is a finite, closed-system sphere, it
apparently became scientifically manifest that there is a fundamental inadequacy of life
support on our planet. Until then all opinions on such matters had been pure guesses.
A third of a century after Malthus, Darwin attributed biological evolution to
survival of only the fittest species (and individuals within species). Though he denied there
was any economic significance in his theory of evolution, the economists insisted that
superior physical fitness obviously governed economic survival as well. Karl Marx
accepted the scientific viewpoints of both Malthus and Darwin when he declared in effect
that the working class is the fittest to .survive: they know how to use the tools and to
cultivate the fields-the wealthy are parasites. This inaugurated the supranational concept of
two world-wide political classes and two competing theories of political organization.
As a consequence of the discoveries of Malthus and Darwin all the great
political ideologies have since adopted a prime philosophy that says: "You may not like
our political system, but we are convinced that we have the fairest, most logical, and
ingenious method of coping with the inherent inadequacy of terrestrial life support, but
since there are others who disagree diametrically about the best method of coping, it can
be determined only by force of arms which system is the fittest to survive." Thus survival
of the physically fittest became the basis for national departments of defense with their
priority of access to the most advanced science and technology. The military took
command of all the highest performance materials, brains, instruments, and tools of
Mutually assumed survival-only-of-the-fittest is the reason why the United
States and the USSR have for the past 30 years appropriated 200 billion dollars annually
to buy ever more effective weapons of potential destruction. The great political and
industrial power structures have all become supranational comprehensivists, while the
people have been passport-chained to their respective 150 national preserves-the people
have become educationally divided into "specialists" for exploitation by the supranational
powers who divide to conquer and divide to keep conquered.
Up until the 20th century reality consisted of everything that humans could
see, smell, touch, and hear. Then at the entry into the 20th century the electron was
discovered. A century after the time of Malthus much of science became invisible with the
introduction of an era of electronics, electromagnetics, and atomics. These invisible micro-
and macro-exploring cosmic instruments provided for rearrangements of atomic
interpositioning whose metallic alloying and chemical structuring produces ever more
powerful and incisive performances per pound of physical matter employed.
Structures are complexes of visible or invisible physical events interacting to
produce stable patterns. A structural system divides Universe into all Universe outside the
structural system (macrocosm) and all Universe inside the structural system (microcosm).
Newton's discovery of mass interattraction showed that the interattraction force of atoms,
planets, stars, or galaxies increases exponentially as the interdistances decrease
arithmetically, and vice versa: halve the interdistance and make fourfold the interattractive
integrity of the remotely bodied structural system. That is the law of gravity. Symmetrical,
noncontacting, concentric interpositioning of already-symmetrical arrays of atoms
produces exponentially increased interatomic coherence of "materials."
Gravity is the inwardly cohering force acting integratively on all systems.
Radiation is the outwardly disintegrating force acting divisively upon all systems.
All structural systems are comprised of tension and compression
components. Stone masonry has a high compression-resisting strength of 50,000 pounds
per square inch ultimate. But masonry has low tensional coherence; it can withstand only
50 pounds per square inch tensing. Stone-Age-derived masonry is a thousand times more
effective in its resistance to compression than to tension.
Throughout the three million known years of the Stone Age humans relied
on gravity to hold their vertical stone walls together until (as often happened) they were
shaken apart by earthquakes against which they had almost no tensionally cohering
resistance. Gravity pushed humanity's stone structures inward toward the Earth's center.
Humans had to build their structures on bedrock "shoes" to prevent them from sinking
vertically into Earth's center. Stone buildings could not float on water. But nature had
invented low-weight wood of high self-cohering tensile strength (averaging approximately
10,000 p.s.i.) and of relatively low compression-resistive capability (also approximately
10,000 p.s.i.). Wood floated on water and could move useful loads horizontally; wood
made good rafts for transporting humans but not for floating heavy cargoes. Thus the high
tensile strength of wood, combined with the human discovery of the intertrussing
principles of structuring and the low overall displacement weights involved, made possible
for humans to design and fabricate air-enclosing wooden vessels whose structure and
space enclosure combined to produce highly successful wooden vessels of the sea that
could carry great cargoes.
In the 1850s humans arrived at the mass production of steel, an alloy of iron,
carbon, and manganese having a tensile strength of 50,000 p.s.i. as well as a
compression-resisting capability of 50.000 p.s.i. Steel has the same compression-resistance
capability as masonry, but it also has a thousand times greater tensile capability than
masonry and five times the tensile or compressive strength of wood. Steel brought
mankind a structural-tension capability to match stone's previous millions of years of
exclusive compressional supremacy. With far higher tensile strength per weight than
wood, steel made possible even more powerful watertight, air-containing vessels than did
wood, even though steel by itself does not float.
The technology of metallurgy began developing metal alloys of ever higher
strength-to-weight ratios. Out of this came aluminum production by the opening of the
20th century-and aluminum alloys and stainless steel by the 1930s. These new materials
made it possible to design and build engine-powered all-metal airplanes (structural
vessels), which could pull themselves angularly above the horizontal and ever more steeply
aloft. With the advent of successively higher strength-to-weight ratios of metal alloys and
glass-reinforced plastic materials, ever more heavily laden airplanes were designed, which
could climb ever more steeply and faster. Finally humans developed so much strength per
weight of materials capability that they accomplished "vertol" jet plane flight and vertical
space-vehicle blastoffs. Since then human scientists developing ever greater strength per
weight of material have gone on to carry ever greater useful loads in vertical takeoff
vehicles at ever more accelerated rates of ascent.
As of the 1970s the human mind has developed a practical tensile structuring
capability of 600,000 p.s.i. The means of accomplishing this new and overwhelming
structural strength has become entirely invisible. Fully 99 percent of humanity has as yet
no idea that this increase in tensile capability has come about or how it came about or why
it works. While humans cannot see the ever-lessening interatomic proximity of atoms and
electrons of electromagnetic events, they can witness the ever more vertical takeoff-angle
capabilities manifesting human comprehension of the fundamental structuring principles
and their military developments and profitable commercial uses. But only vast money
investments or vast governments can afford to exploit the increased technical advantages.
Before the airplane humans said, "You cannot lift yourself by your
bootstraps." Today we are lifting ever lighter and stronger structural vessel "selves" by
ever less effort of our scientific know-how bootstraps. No economist knows this. It is the
most highly classified of military and private enterprise secrets. Industry now converts the
ever-increasing work capacity per pound of materials invested primarily to yield monetary
profits for the government-subsidized private-enterprise producers of weapons.
Now in the 1970s we can state an indisputable proposition of abundance of
which the world power structures do not yet have dawning awareness. We can state that
as a consequence of the myriad of more-with-less, invisible, technological advances of the
20th century, and employing only well-proven technologies and already mined and ever
more copiously recirculating materials, it is now technically feasible to retool and redirect
world industry in such a manner that within 10 years we can have all of humanity enjoying
a sustainably higher standard of living-with vastly increased
degrees of freedom than has ever been enjoyed by anyone in all history.
During this 10-year period we can also phase out all further use of fossil
fuels and atomic energy, since the retooled world industry and individual energy needs will
have become completely supplied by our combined harvests of electromagnetic,
photosynthetic, chemical, and biological products of the daily energy income initially
produced by Sun and gravity. Industry, retooled from weapons production to livingry
production, will rehouse the deployed phases of world-humans by single-family,
air-deliverable, energy harvesting, only-rentable dwelling machines. When humans are
convergent, they will dwell in domed-over moon-crater cities that will be
energy-harvesting and -exporting centers rather than energy sinkholes.
All of the foregoing makes it possible to say that since we now know that
there is a sustainable abundance of life support and accommodation for all, it follows that
all politics and warring are obsolete and invalid. We no longer need to rationalize
selfishness. No one need ever again "earn a living." Further living for all humanity is all
cosmically prepaid.
Why don't we exercise our epochal option? Governments are financed
through taxation and would have no way of putting meters between the people and their
directly received individual cosmic incomes. So too, private enterprise should no more
meter the energy than it meters the air. But all of Earthians' present power
structures-political, religious, or capitalist-would find their interests disastrously
threatened by total human success. They are founded upon assumption of scarcity; they
are organized for and sustained by the problems imposed by the assumption of
fundamental inadequacies of life support.
Why does not the public itself demand realization of its option for a
revolution by design science? Less than one percent of humanity now knows that the
option exists; 99 percent of humanity cannot understand the mathematical language of
science. The people who make up that 99 percent do not know that all that science has
ever found out is that the Universe consists of the most reliable technology. They think of
technology as something new; they regard it as threatening both in terms of modern
weaponry and as job-eliminating competition for their life-sustaining opportunities to
"earn a living." Ergo, humanity thinks it is against technology and thinks itself averse to
exercising its option.
The fact that 99 percent of humanity does not understand nature is the prime
reason for humanity's failure to exercise its option to attain universally sustainable physical
success on this planet. The prime barrier to humanity's discovery and comprehension of
nature is the obscurity of the mathematical language of science. Fortunately, however,
nature is not using the strictly imaginary, awkward, and unrealistic coordinate system
adopted by and taught by present-day academic science.
Nature's continuous self-regeneration is 100 percent efficient, neither
gaining nor losing any energy. Nature is not employing the three dimensional,
omniinterperpendicular, parallel frame of the XYZ axial coordinates of academic science,
nor is nature employing science's subsequently adopted gram/centimeter/second
weight/area/time exponents. Nature does not operate in parallel. She operates in
radiational divergence and gravitational convergence. She grows outwardly by
omniintertriangulated structuring from nuclei.
Nature is inherently eight-dimensional, and the first four of these dimensions
are the four planes of symmetry of the minimum structure of Universe-the
omnitriangulated, equi-vector-edge tetrahedron. In respect to the conceptual pre-time-size
tetrahedron's volume taken as unity 1, with its six unit-vector-edge structure, the always
conceptual-independent-of-size family of primitive, pre-time-size, least complex polyhedra
have the following exact volumes-the vector-triangulated cube 3, the octahedron 4, the
rhombic triacontahedron 5, and the rhombic dodecahedron 6. When the size information is
introduced, it occurs only as frequency of modular subdivision of each unit vector
structuring of the primitive family's respective 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-tetravolumes.
Frequency to the third power, F3 , values then multiply the primitive,
already-four-dimensional volumetric values. In physically realized time-size each has
therefore 4 + 3 = 7 dimensions, but since each system is inherently independent in
Universe and therefore has spinnability, one more dimensional factor is required, making a
total of eight dimensions in all for experientially evidencing physical reality.
To define the everywhere-and-everywhen-transforming cosmic environment
of each and every system requires several more intercovarying system
dimensions-planetary, solar, galactic, intergalactic. Because of the six positive and six
negative degrees of freedom governing systems-within-systems intertransforming, we have
8 + 6 = 14 dimensional systems in cosmic relationship governance.
Nature is using this completely conceptual eight-dimensional coordinate
system that can be comprehended by anyone. Fortunately television, is spontaneously
attractive and can be used to teach all the world's people nature's coordinating system-and
can do so in time to make it possible for all humanity to favorably comprehend and to
exercise its option to attain universal physical success, thereby eliminating forevermore all
world politics and competition for the right to live. The hydrogen atom does not have to
compromise its function potential by first "earning a living" before it can function directly
as a hydrogen atom.
Nature's coordinate system is called Synergetics-synergy means behavior of
whole systems unpredicted by any part of the system as considered only separately. The
eternally regenerative Universe is synergetic. Humans have been included in this cosmic
design as local Universe information-gatherers and local problem-solvers in support of the
integrity of the eternal, 100-percent-efficient, self-regenerative system of Universe. In
support of their cosmic functioning humans were given their minds with which to discover
and employ the generalized laws governing all physical and metaphysical,
omniinteraccommodative, ceaseless intertransformings of Universe.
At present 99 percent of humanity is misinformed in believing in the
Malthusian concept of the fundamental inadequacy of life support, and so they have
misused their minds to develop only personal and partisan advantages, intellectual
cunning, and selfishness. Intellectual cunning has concentrated on how to divorce money
from true life-support wealth; second, cunning has learned how to make money with
money by making it scarce. As of the 1970s muscle, guns, and intellectual cunning are
ruling world affairs and keeping them competitive by continuing the false premise of
universal inadequacy of life support. If mind comes into supreme power within a decade,
humanity will exercise its option of a design revolution and will enter a new and-lasting
epoch of physical success for all. If not, it will be curtains for all humanity within this
In complement with Synergetics 1 and 2 the posters at
color plates 1-10 may
clarify for everyone the few scientific conceptions and mathematical tools necessary for
universal comprehension and individual use of nature's synergetic geometrical
Rudyard Kipling labored under the only-you-or-me philosophy, but he was inspired by thoughts that it
might some day be otherwise:
And no one will work for money and no one will | ||
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But each for the joy of working, and each in his | ||
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Shall draw the Thing as he sees It for the God of | ||
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- from When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted