No generalized principles have ever been discovered
that contradict other
generalized principles. All the generalized principles
are interaccommodative. Some of
them are synchronously interaccommodative; that is,
some of them accommodate the
other by synchronized nonsimultaneity. Many of them
are interaccommodative
simultaneously. Some interact at mathematically exponential
rates of interaugmentation.
Because the physical is time, the relative endurances
of all special-case physical
experiences are proportional to the synchronous periodicity
of associability of the complex
principles involved. Metaphysical generalizations are
timeless, i.e., eternal. Because the
metaphysical is abstract, weightless, sizeless, and
eternal, metaphysical experiences have
no endurance limits and are eternally compatible with
all other metaphysical experiences.
What is a metaphysical experience? It is comprehending
the relationships of eternal
principles. The means of communication is physical.
That which is communicated, i.e.,
understood, is metaphysical. The symbols with which
mathematics is communicatingly
described are physical. A mathematical principle is
metaphysical and independent of
whether X,Y or A,B are symbolically employed.