224.00 Principle of Angular Topology |
224.081 The sum of the surface angles of any polyhedron equals the number of vertexes multiplied by 360º minus one tetrahedron; and |
224.082 The sum of the angles of any polyhedron (including a sphere) is always evenly divisible by one tetrahedron. |
Table 224.20 |
Equation of Angular Topology:
224.50 Corollary: Principle of Finite Universe Conservation: By our systematic accounting of angularly definable convex-concave local systems, we discover that the sum of the angles around each of every local system's interrelated vertexes is always two cyclic unities less than universal nondefined finite totality. We call this discovery the principle of finite Universe conservation. Therefore, mathematically speaking, all defined conceptioning always equals finite Universe minus two. The indefinable quality of finite Universe inscrutability is exactly accountable as two. |
224.60 Tetrahedral Mensuration: The sum of the angles around all vertexes of any polyhedral system is evenly divisible by the sum of the angles of a tetrahedron. The volumes of all systems may be expressed in tetrahedra. |
Table 224.70A |
Equation of Tetrahedral Mensuration:
Table 224.70B |
225.00 Principle of Design Covariables |
225.01 Definition: The principle of design covariables states that angle and frequency modulation, either subjective or objective in respect to man's consciousness, discretely defines all events or experiences which altogether constitute Universe. |
225.02 There are only two possible covariables operative in all design in the Universe. They are modifications of angle and frequency. |
225.03 Local structure is a set of frequency associable (spontaneously tunable), recollectible experience relationships, having a regenerative constellar patterning as the precessional resultants of concentrically shunted, periodic self-interferences, or coincidences of its systematic plurality of definitive vectorial frequency wavelength and angle interrelationships. |
226.00 Principle of Functions |
226.01 Definition: The principle of functions states that a function can always and only coexist with another function as demonstrated experimentally in all systems as the outside-inside, convex-concave, clockwise-counterclockwise, tension-compression couples. |
226.02 Functions occur only as inherently cooperative and accommodatively varying subaspects of synergetically transforming wholes. |
226.10 Corollary: Principle of Complementarity: A corollary of the principle of functions is the principle of complementarity, which states that two descriptions or sets of concepts, though mutually exclusive, are nevertheless both necessary for an exhaustive description of the situation. |
226.11 Every fundamental behavior patterning in Universe always and only coexists with a complementary but non-mirror-imaged patterning. |
227.00 Principle of Order Underlying Randomness |
Table 227.01 |
Definition: The number of relationships between events
is always
227.02 The relationships between four or more events are always greater in number than the number of events. The equation expresses the conceptuality of the number of the most economical relationships between events or the minimum number of interconnections of all events. |
227.03 The number of telephone lines necessary to interequip various numbers of individuals so that any two individuals will always have their unique private telephone line is always (N 2 - N)/2, where N is the number of telephones. This is to say that all the special interrelationships of all experiences define comprehension, which is the number of connections necessary to an understanding of "what everything is all about." When we understand, we have all the fundamental connections between the star events of our consideration. When we add up all the accumulated relationships between all the successive experiences in our lives, they will always combine cumulatively to comprise a tetrahedron, simple or compound. |
228.00 Scenario Principle |
228.01 Definition: The scenario principle discloses that the Universe of total man experience may not be simultaneously recollected and reconsidered, but may be progressively subdivided into a plurality of locally tunable event foci or "points," of which a minimum of four positive and four negative are required as a “considerable set,” that is, as the first finite subdivision of finite Universe. |
228.10 Considerable Set: All experience is reduced to nonsimultaneously “considerable sets”; irrelevant to consideration are all those experiences that are either too large and therefore too infrequent, or too minuscule and therefore too frequent, to be tunably considerable as pertaining to the residual constellation of approximately congruent recollections of experiences. |
228.11 A "considerable set" inherently subdivides all the rest of irrelevant experiences of Universe into macrocosmic and microcosmic sets immediately outside or immediately inside the considered set of experience foci. |
228.12 Scenario Principle: Considerable Set: In considering all experiences, the mistakes of the past and the anticipations of the future are metaphysically irrelevant. We do not have to be preoccupied with hypothetical or potential experiences because we are always living in the now. Living in the present tense obviates impatience. (See Sec. 529.11.) |
229.00 Principle of Synergetic Advantage |
229.01 Definition: The principle of synergetic advantage states that macromicro does not equal micromacro. Synergetic advantage is only to be effected by macromicro procedure. Synergetic advantage procedures are irreversible. Micromacro procedures are inherently frustrated. |
229.02 The notion that commencing the exploration of the unknown with unity as one (such as Darwin's single cell) will provide simple and reliable arithmetical compounding (such as Darwin's theory of evolution: going from simplecomplex; amoebamonkeyman) is an illusion that as yet pervades and debilitates elementary education. |
229.03 Synergy discloses that the information to be derived from micromacro educational strategy fails completely to predict the experimentally demonstrable gravitational or mass-attraction integrities of entropically irreversible, universal scenario reality. |
229.04 Human experience discloses the eminent feasibility of inbreeding biological species by mating like types, such as two fast-running horses. This concentrates the fast- running genes in the offspring while diminishing the number of general adaptability genes within the integral organism. This requires the complementary external care of the inbred specialist through invention or employment of extracorporeal environmental facilities__biological or nonbiological. It is easy to breed out metaphysical intellection characteristics, leaving a residual concentration of purely physical proclivities and evoluting by further inbreeding from human to monkey. (Witness the millions of dollars society pays for a "prizefight" in which two organisms are each trying to destroy the other's thinking mechanism. This and other trends disclose that a large segment of humanity is evoluting toward producing the next millennia's special breed of monkeys.) There is no experimental evidence of the ability to breed in the weightless, metaphysically oriented mind and its access to conceptionings of eternal generalized principles. |
229.05 All known living species could be inbreedingly isolated from humans by environmental complementation of certain genetic proclivities and lethal exclusion of others, but there is no experimental evidence of any ability to compound purely physical proclivity genes to inaugurate metaphysical behaviors humanity's complex metaphysical- physical congruence with the inventory of complex behavioral characteristics of Universe. |
229.06 Universe is the aggregate of eternal generalized principles whose nonunitarily conceptual scenario is unfoldingly manifest in a variety of special cases in local time-space transformative evolutionary events. Humans are each a special-case unfoldment integrity of the complex aggregate of abstract weightless omni- interaccommodative maximally synergetic non-sensorial Universe of eternal timeless principles. Humanity being a macromicro Universe, unfolding eventuation is physically irreversible yet eternally integrated with Universe. Humanity cannot shrink and return into the womb and revert to as yet unfertilized ova. |
229.10 Corollary: Principle of Irreversibility: The principle of irreversibility states that the evolutionary process is irreversible locally in physical "time-space"__that is, in frequency and angle definitioning, because the antientropic metaphysical world is not a mirror-imaged reversal of the entropic physical world's disorderly expansiveness. |
230.00 Tetrahedral Number |
Definition: The number of balls in the longest row
of any triangular unit-
radius ball cluster will always be the same as the number
of rows of balls in the triangle,
each row always having one more than the preceding row,
and the number of balls in the
complete triangular cluster will always be
230.02 We can stack successively rowed triangular groups of balls on top of one another with one ball on the top, three below that, and six below that, as cannon balls or oranges are stacked. Such stacks are always inherently tetrahedral. We can say that the sum of all the interrelationships of all our successive experiences from birth to now__for each individual, as well as for the history of all humanity__is always a tetrahedral number. |
231.00 Principle of Universal Integrity |
231.01 Definition: The principle of universal integrity states that the wide-arc tensive or implosive forces of Universe always inherently encompass the short-arc vectorial, explosive, disintegrative forces of Universe. |
231.02 The gravitational constant will always be greater than the radiational constant__minutely, but always so. (For further exposition of this principle, see Secs. 251.05, 529.03, 541 and 1052.) |
232.00 Principle of Conservation of Symmetry |
232.01 Definition: Whereas the tetrahedron has four symmetrically interarrayed poles in which the polar opposites are four vertexes vs. four faces; and whereas the polar axes of all other symmetrical structural systems consist of vertex vs. vertex, or mid-edge vs. mid-edge, or face vs. face; it is seen that only in the case of vertex vs. face__the four poles of the tetrahedron__do the four vertexial “points” have polar face vacancies or “space” into which the wavilinear coil spring legs of the tetrahedron will permit those four vertexes to travel. The tetrahedron is the only omnisymmetrical structural system that can be turned inside out. (See Secs. 624.05, 905.18 and 905.19.) |
232.02 Take the rubber glove that is green outside and red inside. Stripped off, it becomes red. The left-handedness is annihilated: inside-outing. You do not lose the convex-concave; all you lose is the leftness or the rightness. Whether it is a tree or a glove, each limb or finger is a tetrahedron. |
232.03 Synergetics shows that the tetrahedron can be extrapolated into life in all its experience phases, thus permitting humanity's entry into a new era of cosmic awareness. |
Next Section: 240.00 |