240.00 Synergetics Corollaries
240.01 Universe is finite. |
240.02 Local systems are de-finite. |
240.03 Unity is complex and at minimum two. |
240.05 A "point" is a tetrahedron of negligible altitude and base dimensions. |
240.06 A "line" (or trajectory) is a tetrahedron of negligible base dimension and significant altitude. |
240.07 A "plane" (or opening) is a tetrahedron of negligible altitude and significant base dimensionality. |
240.08 There are no solids or particles__no-things. |
240.09 A point is an as yet undifferentiated focal star embracing a complex of local events. |
240.10 There are no indivisible points. |
240.11 Unities may be treated as complex star points. |
240.12 For every point in Universe, there are six uniquely and exclusively operating vectors. |
Vectors are size.
No vectors = No size. No size = No vectors. |
240.14 The size of a vector is its overall wavilinear length. |
240.15 There are six vectors or none. |
240.16 Every event has size. |
240.17 Every event is six-vectored. |
240.18 Six unique vectors constitute a tetrahedral event. |
240.19 Each vector is reversible, having its negative alternate. |
240.20 All "lines," trajectories, are the most economic vectorial interrelationships of nonsimultaneous but approximately concurrent local-event foci . |
240.21 Potentially straight-line relationships require instantaneity or actions in no- time; therefore, straight lines are nondemonstrable. |
240.22 The overall longitudinal length of wavilinear vectorial lines is determined by the number of waves contained. |
240.23 The number of waves longitudinally accomplished in a given time constitutes frequency. |
240.24 Physics has never made an experimentally demonstrable discovery of a straight line. Physics has found only waves and frequencies, i.e., angle and frequency modulation. |
240.25 There are no straight lines, physical or metaphysical. There are only geodesic, i.e., most economical, interrelationships (vectors). |
240.26 All "lines," trajectories, are complexedly curved. |
240.27 Vectorial lines, or "trajectories," are always the most economical event interrelationships, ergo, geodesic. |
240.29 Potential lines are only inscrutably nonstraight; all physically realized relationships are geodesic and wavilinear. |
240.30 Two energy event trajectories, or "lines," cannot go through the same point at the same time. |
240.31 All geodesic lines, "trajectories," weave four-dimensionally amongst one another without ever touching one another. |
240.32 It takes a minimum of six interweaving trajectories to isolate insideness from outsideness, ergo, to divide all Universe systematically into two parts__macrocosm and microcosm. |
240.34 Tetrahedrons occur conceptually, independent of realized events and relative size. |
240.36 All lines, "trajectories," ultimately return to close proximity with themselves. |
240.37 Where all the local vectors are approximately equal, we have a potentially local isotropic vector equilibrium, but the operative vector complex has the inherent qualities of both proximity and remoteness in respect to any locally initiated action, ergo, a complex of relative velocities of realization lags. (See Sec. 425.01.) |
240.38 Universe is a nonsimultaneously potential vector equilibrium. |
240.39 All local events of Universe may be calculatively anticipated by inaugurating calculation with a local vector equilibrium frame and identifying the disturbance initiating point, directions, and energies of relative asymmetrical pulsings of the introduced action. (See Sec. 962.30.) |
240.41 Synergetics’ six positive and six negative omnisymmetrical, potential realization, least effort interpatterning, evolutionary schemata reference frames are reinitiated and regenerated in respect to specific local energy event developments and interrelationships of Universe. (See Sec. 537.14.) |
240.42 Arithmetical one-dimensionality is identified geometrically with linear (trajectory) pointal frequency. |
240.43 Arithmetical two-dimensionality is identified geometrically with areal (openings) growth rate. |
240.44 In a radiational (eccentric) or gravitational (concentric) wave system: |
Arithmetical three-dimensionality is identified with volumetric space growth rates; |
Arithmetical four-dimensionality is unidentifiable geometrically; |
Synergetical second-powering is identified with the point population of the progressively embracing, closest-packed arrays at any given radius stated in terms of frequency of modular subdivisions of the circumferential array's radially-read concentricity layering; |
Synergetical third-powering is identified with the cumulative total point population of all the successive wave layer embracements of the system; |
Synergetical fourth-powering is identified with the interpointal domain volumes; and |
Fifth- and sixth-powerings are identified as products of multiplication by frequency doublings and treblings, and are geometrically identifiable. |
240.45 Synergetical six-dimensionality is identified geometrically with vectorial system modular frequency relationship. |
240.46 Synergetical size dimensionality is identified geometrically with relative frequency modulation. |
240.47 Dimension may be universally and infinitely altered without altering the constant vectorial integrity of the system. |
240.48 There is no dimension without time. |
240.49 Doubling or halving dimension increases or decreases, respectively, the magnitude of volume or force by expansive or contractive increments of eight, that is, by octave values. |
240.50 Identically dimensioned nuclear systems and layer growths occur alike, relative to each and every absolutely compacted sphere of the isotropic vector matrix conglomerate, wherefore the integrity of the individual energy center is mathematically demonstrated to be universal both potentially and kinetically. (See Sec. 421.10.) |
240.51 Frequency is multicyclic fractionation of unity. |
240.52 A minimum of two cycles is essential to frequency fractionation. |
240.53 Angle is subcyclic__that is, fractionation of one cycle. |
240.54 Angular relationships and magnitudes are subcyclic; ergo, subfrequency; ergo, independent of size. |
240.55 Shape is exclusively angular. |
240.56 Shape is independent of size. |
240.57 Abstraction means pattern relationship independent of size. Shape being independent of size is abstractable. |
240.58 Abstractions may be stated in pure principle of relationship. |
240.59 Abstractions are conceptually shapable! |
240.60 Different shapes__ergo, different abstractions__are nonsimultaneous; but all shapes are de-finite components of integral though nonsimultaneous__ergo, shapeless__Universe. |
240.61 There are no impervious surface continuums. |
240.62 In a structural system, there is only one insideness and only one outsideness. (See Sec.602.02.) |
240.63 At any instant of time, any two of the evenly coupled vertexes of a system function as poles of the axis of inherent rotatability. |
In a structural system:
240.66 All structural phenomena are accounted in terms of tetrahedron, octahedron, vector equilibrium, and icosahedron. |
Next Section: 250.00 |