250.00 Discoveries of Synergetics
250.01 Discovery |
250.10 Academic Grading Variables in Respect to Science Versus Humanities |
250.20 My Independent Mathematical Explorations |
250.30 Remoteness of Synergetics Vocabulary |
250.40 The Climate of Invention |
250.50 Coincidental Nature of Discoveries |
250.60 Proofs |
251.00 Discoveries of Synergetics: Inventory
251.01 The ability to identify all experience in terms of only angle and frequency. |
251.02 The addition of angle and frequency to Euler’s inventory of crossings, areas, and lines as absolute characteristics of all pattern cognizance. |
251.021 Synergetics adds four additional topological aspects to Euler's three cosmically unique aspects of vertexes, faces, and edges. Synergetics adds (1) angles, (2) irrelevant untuned insideness and outsideness, (3) convexity and concavity, and (4) axis of spin, making a total of seven topological aspects (see Sec. 1044.00); synergetics has also recognized the addition of frequency as being always physically manifest in every special case. |
251.03 The omnirational accommodation of both linear and angular acceleration in the same mathematical coordination system. |
251.05 The gravitational is comprehensively embracing and circumferentially contractive__ergo, advantaged over the centrally radiational by a 6:1 energy advantage; i.e., a circumference chord-to-radius vectorial advantage of contraction versus expansion, certified by the finite closure of the circumference, ergo, a cumulative series versus the independent, disassociating disintegration of the radii and their separating and dividing of energy effectiveness. (This is an inverse corollary of the age-old instinct to divide and conquer.) (See Secs.529.03, 541.00 and 1052.00.) |
251.06 The gravitational-radiational constant 10F2+2. |
251.07 The definition of gravity as a spherically circumferential force whose effectiveness has a constant advantage ratio of 12 to 1 over the radial inward mass- attraction. |
251.10 The introduction of angular topology as the description of a structural system in terms of the sum of its surface angles. |
251.14 One of the differences between atoms and chemical compounds is in the number of central-angle systems. |
251.15 The tetrahedral trisecting of angles: the trisection of a 180-degree angle. (See Secs. 841.16 and 841.30.) |
251.16 The rational volumetric quantation or constant proportionality of the octahedron, the cube, the rhombic triacontahedron, and the rhombic dodecahedron when referenced to the tetrahedron as volumetric unity. (See Sec. 1053.21.) |
251.17 The rational and symmetric surface subdivision of the icosahedron, the octahedron, the cube, and the rhombic dodecahedron by the 48 spherical triangle tiles of the vector equilibrium's 25-great-circle grid, rationally quantized in a reverse order of magnitude in whole, low-order, even numbers. (See Secs. 1053.20-21.) |
251.18 The seven unique axes of great-circle spinnability that also describe the seven great circles foldable into bow ties. (See Sec.1040.) |
251.19 The definition of the omniequiangled and omnitriangulated tetrahedron, octahedron, and icosahedron, with respectively three, four, and five triangles around each of their vertexes, as altogether constituting the topological and finitely limited set of prime structural systems. (See Sec. 610.20.) |
251.20 The discovery of the mathematically regular, three-way, greatcircle, spherical-coordinate cartographic grid of an infinite frequency series of progressive modular subdivisions, with the spherical radii that are perpendicular to the enclosing spherical field remaining vertical to the corresponding planar surface points of cartographic projection; and the commensurate identification of this same great-circle triangulation capability with the icosahedron and vector equilibrium, as well as with the octahedron and the tetrahedron. (See Secs. 527.24 and 1009.98.) |
251.28 The vector model for the magic numbers, which identifies the structural logic of the atomic isotopes in a symmetrical synergetic hierarchy. |
251.29 The trigonometric identification of the great-circle trajectories of the seven axes of symmetry with the 120 basic disequilibrium LCD triangles of the spherical icosahedron. (See Sec. 1043.00.) |
251.30 The rational identification of number with the hierarchy of all the geometries. |
251.31 The A and B Quanta Modules. |
251.32 The volumetric hierarchy of Platonic and other symmetrical geometricals based on the tetrahedron and the A and B Quanta Modules as unity of coordinate mensuration. |
251.33 The identification of the nucleus with the vector equilibrium. |
251.34 Omnirationality: the identification of triangling and tetrahedroning with second- and third-powering factors. |
251.35 Omni-60-degree coordination versus 90-degree coordination. |
251.36 The identification of waves with vectors as waviform vectors; the deliberately nonstraight line. |
251.37 The comprehensive, closed-system foldability of the great circles and their identification with wave phenomena. |
251.38 The accommodation of odd or even numbers in the shell-generating frequencies of the vector equilibrium. |
251.40 The provision for the mathematical treatment of the domains of interferences as the domains of vertexes (crossings). |
251.41 Mathematical proof of the four-color map theorem. |
251.42 The introduction of the tensegrity structural system of discontinuous compression and continuous tension. |
251.43 The identification of tensegrity with pneumatics and hydraulics. |
251.45 The disclosure of he rational fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-powering modelability of nature's coordinate transformings as referenced to the 60º equiangular, isotropic vector equilibrium. |
251.48 The disclosure of a hierarchy of rational quantation and topological interrelationships of all physically experiential phenomena that are omnirationally accounted when we assume the volume of the tetrahedron and its six vectors to constitute both metaphysical and physical quantation unity. (See Secs.221.01 and 620.12.) |
251.50 The integration of geometry and philosophy in a single conceptual system providing a common language and accounting for both the physical and metaphysical. |
260.00 The Epistemography of Generalization and Special Case
[260.00-269.07 Nature in a Corner Scenario]
260.10 Invisibility of Macro- and Microresolutions |
260.12 The diameter of the spherical activity domain of a single atom, including the electrons orbiting its nucleus, is called one angstrom. And one angstrom is l/2,500,000th the diameter of the smallest humanly seeable speck. Moreover, the diameter of the atomic nucleus is l/10,000th of one angstrom, and the nucleus has now been found to consist of a plurality of further "particles" such as quarks, leptons, hadrons, and so forth. Humans have now developed electromagnetic sensors, have microphotographed individual atoms, and have macrophotographed a billion galaxies, each of hundreds of billions of star- population magnitudes__99.9999 percent of which information about reality is invisible to the naked human eye. (See Sec. 1238.60.) What humans have been experiencing and thinking of "realistically" as dim "somethings" or "points" in a field of omnidirectional seeming nothingness now requires experimentally provable reconsideration, epistemographic reconceptioning, and rewording. |
260.20 Convergent vs Parallel Perception |
Fig. 260.211 |
260.211 Our two eyes form the baseline of an isosceles triangle and seek to discern the convergent angle at an opposite object apex: for instance, tracks A or B, with the distance between A and B constant. The farther away they are, they become relatively shorter and shorter chords of ever larger circles A and B, and finally they appear to be congruent. See Fig. 260.211. |
260.22 Though the diameter of Betelguese in Orion’s Belt is greater than the diameter of the planet Earth’s orbit around the Sun, Betelguese appears to Earthians only as a fine point of light. As in the rate of information recall by the mind from brain storage, there is also an inherent lag in the rate human optical equipment can apprehend newly perceived phenomena. The pulsative frequency of alternating current electric light is 60 cycles per second, which is designed to coincide with the frequency corresponding to humans’ “second look” stroboscopic rate of apprehending. In a like manner the frequency rate of the cinema's picture-frame running is synchronized to coincide with the human rate of mental-mouthful digestibility of new information receptivity, which must check the new information with the old to permit recognition or new cognition. The static frames themselves__as in benday screen printing__are frequency-subdivided into local increments whose wavelength-spacing is infratunable by the human-brain-apprehending set. The human brain apprehends 200 info-bits per inch as omnicontinuous, despite the separate frequency islands of their different color light points, each of which is an island of different electromagnetic frequencies. All of the spots are frequency islands like events and novents (see Sec.524.01). |
260.30 Physical Experience and Closest Packing of Spheres |
260.32 Closest-packed spheres, or spherical events, of equal frequency and wavelength produce tetrahedral agglomerations which, as events transpire, produce additional layers, each of which consists of equilateral triangles of one more edge row than the previous one. (See the event relationship law at Sec. 227.) |
260.33 Because nature always operates most economically__ergo, most closest packed__and because all asymmetries are observable only relative to idealized symmetry, we find all the similar-magnitude events of experience tend to close pack triangularly in symmetrical convergent or divergent aggregations. (See Secs. 223.05, 505.62, and 532.10.) |
260.40 Convergence to a Nucleus |
260.42 The synergetic coordinate system of nature and its finite macro-micro turnaround-limited hierarchy of primitive ascending or descending timeless-sizeless, omnisymmetrically concentric, polyhedral components provides the human mind with a rational means of resolving problems by bringing nature into a corner__a convergent terminus center, a four-dimensional corner of the four-dimensional planes of the tetrahedron. Only with the four-dimensional convergence and divergence of synergetics can the human mind reduce problems to comprehension as minimum-limit systems. The minimum polygon is a triangle; the minimum polyhedron is a tetrahedron; both of their structural behaviors are unique (see Secs. 614.00 and 621.00). By their academic training humans think only in terms of parallel and rectilinear coordination, and so they tend to hold to the unresolvable parallel interpretations of their lives’ experiences. They seek to maintain the status quo and__despite the organic and biologic manifests of birth and death__they fail to be able to take advantage of the cornerability of comprehension and the positional fixes provided by the four-dimensional, synergetic, convergent-divergent coordination. |
260.50 Precession of Two Sets of 10 Closest-Packed Spheres |
260.51 Two identical sets of 10 spheres in closest packing precess in 90-degree action to form a prime, nonnucleated, four-ball-to-the-edge tetrahedron with a total of 20 spheres. Each of the two sets of 10 balls consists of a line of four balls arranged in a tangentially cohered row nested in the long valley of a rectangle consisting of three pairs of balls tangentially cohered to one another in a parallel array, with two balls on one end and three balls on the other end. Cohering the four-ball row tangentially to the valley of the six-ball quadrangle produces a 10-ball aggregate. When brought together, these two 10-ball assemblies produce the prime, four-ball-edge tetrahedron of 20 balls, the largest single-shell tetrahedron without a nuclear ball. (This 20-ball tetrahedron is at the heart of the tetrahedral assembly of 120 balls comprised of two sets of 60 closest-packed spheres__see Sec. 417.00.) To bring them into tetrahedral symmetry of assembly, each four- ball edge of the two separate assemblies must be precessed (turned at right angles) to the other's four-ball edge. In these conditions the two-ball edges of the six-ball rectangle are now addressing the three-ball edges of the other quadrangle. To the trained eye and rationale of rectilinear coordination it seems illogical to address two balls to three balls or three balls to two balls. In matching such assemblies people think of doing so only in parallels or perpendiculars. (See Sec. 527.08.) |
In universally convergent-divergent coordinate growth
or shrinking, each
row is greater (or lesser) by one than the next. Three
automatically goes to two in a
convergent, planar-arrayed, structurally stable system
and two automatically goes to three
in a divergent, planar-arrayed, structurally stable
system. Tetrahedral expansion or
contraction produces a structurally stable systematic
model of universal behavior. In
tetrahedral growth one goes to three and three goes
to six and six goes to 10 (see Sec.
415.55 and Fig.
Tetrahedral growth from unity
is special-case angularly
directional. Vector equilibrium growth from unity is
nuclear-divergent at a growth rate of
ten times frequency to the second power plus two:
260.53 A tetrahedron has three__and only three__inherent polar symmetries; their axes run between the midpoints of the tetrahedron’s three pairs of opposite edges. (See Sec. 622.) These midpoints are in edges that are oriented at 90 degrees to one another. |
261.00 Getting Nature into a Corner |
261.02 What Euler and all professional topologists and mathematicians called "areas" are only windows in polyhedrally conceptual systems. You look out the window at the nothingness of undimensional night__or of fog. The "faces" of presynergetics topology packaged the undimensionable nothingness into arbitrary somethingness, which thus misassumed the dimensions of the face windows and their closed-circuit edges to constitute dimensional attributes of the undimensional nothingness so framed. Academically misinformed teachers go to the blackboard, drawing a "square," and saying to the students, "A square is an area bound by a closed line of four equal-length edges and four equiangled corners," without paying any attention to the inherently existent complementations of Universe. To start off with, the phenomenon "square" is dependent on the phenomenon "blackboard," whose structural matrix alone maintained the symmetrical shape of the nonstructurally stabilized pattern of the square. (Compare Sec. 617.04.) The closed-line pattern of the square inadvertently subdivides the whole surface of the polyhedral blackboard into two areas, both bound by the closed line of four equal edges and four equal angles. The four equal edges of the large complementary square are the same length as those of the small square; the big square's corners are each 270 degrees, while the small square’s corners are each 90 degrees. (Compare Sec. 810.) Moreover, the drawing of the square also inadvertently subdivides the insideness and outsideness of the blackboard into concave and convex big and little squares; it also deposits part of the Universe as "chalk" atoms onto the blackboard’s agglomeration of atoms, which inadvertently rearranges the chemical element resources of Scenario Universe. |
22 = 4, 4×10=40, 40 + 2 = 42 |
spheres symmetrically embrace the 12-ball system. Thus the number of unit radius spheres in the third layer is 92, and so forth (see Sec.418). |
261.04 Since the central or nuclear sphere has no outer layer and is only the nucleus, its frequency of layer enclosures is zero. (See Sec. 415.10.) Following our symmetrically and convergently diminishing uniform rate of contraction to its inherent minimum and terminal frequency case of zero, and applying our generalized formula 10F2 + 2, we have |
02 = 0, 0×10 = 0, 0 + 2 = 2 |
and we discover that unity is two. The single nuclear sphere consists of both its concave inside and its exterior convex sphere, its inbounding and outbounding co-occur at the convergent, center-of-volume turnaround point. Unity is plural and at minimum two (see Secs. 224.12 and 240.03). That the nuclear ball is inherently two has been incontrovertibly discovered by reducing nature to her omnidirectionally convergent, nuclear-center terminal case. |
262.00 Conceptual Minimum |
262.01 Since there was nothing more exaltedly high than heaven and nothing more degradingly low than hell, up and down were limited or terminal dimensions. |
__Since humans were so tiny in respect to their laterally surrounding world, and since the tales of travelers reported greater mountains as one went inland from the sea, and since the sea ever surrounded the land, the best-informed humans assumed Earth to be an island floating on a sea that extended laterally to infinity in all horizontal directions as a plane, a plane whose surface could be made rough by god-blown winds, while the skies were filled with gods disguised as clouds blowing winds. |
__Since the shortest distances between two points seemed obviously to be a straight, stretched-hair line, all the straight lines on the infinite plane of the world ran to infinity; and since humans could never reach infinity, they need not worry about where the points were located between which the straight infinite lines were stretched. All they had to do was to have two local points through which to run their “straight” line, which could thus be extended to infinity in two opposite directions. This was the genesis of "flat land," from which humans have not yet emerged. In flat land there are infinite biggest and smallest: In the vertical sense this means giants bigger than mountains and gods bigger than giants__ergo, the biggest greatest god, the biggest of visually engendered conceptioning enthroned on the highest mountain, while the invisibly smallest emerged as the elves and the evil spirits existing in things. |
262.06 There are no terminal generalizations. Generalizations are eternal independent of size and time. The weightless, sizeless, frequency-innocent principles are dealt with in synergetics and are exclusively mind-employable. Synergetics represents an exclusively mind-conceptual, complex system of numerically identifiable, geometrical interrelationships holding eternally true in all special case manifestations and physical discoverabilities, utterly independent of time-size. (See Sec. 445.11.) |
262.08 The physical is always special case; this is why we spell Universe with a capital U. |
262.10 We do not have two Universes: this world and the next world. Death is only the as-yet-unexperienced, superlow frequencies. Both death and life are complementary functions of our electromagnetic experience. (See Secs. 526.25 and 531.10.) |
263.00 Nothingness and Tunability |
263.02 Our brains are physical tuning capabilities consisting of uniquely resonant atoms and cells. Apprehension consists of resonant atoms tuning into congruently resonant atoms. There is a cosmic meshingness; an angle-and-frequency congruence similar to that of mechanical gear trains when the number of teeth per circular perimeter and the angular modulation of the valleys and peaks of the individual teeth of the larger, smaller, or unit radius gears must mesh with minimally tolerated aberrational error; wherein the aberrations of metallic gears must be compensatingly interfilled with lubricants that prevent the aberrations of one part from reaching the aberrations of the reciprocating part. In much modern machinery nylon and other plastic gears have provided interyieldability, obviating the use of lubricants. Such yielding is demonstrably employed by nature in the hydraulic-pneumatic, crystalline structuring of all biological organisms. (See Sections 522.36 and 1052.52.) |
263.03 Special cases are inherently terminal. Brain, which deals only with special case experiences, each of which is energetically terminal, demands knowledge of how everything begins and ends. But principles are eternal, a word with which the brain is not familiar. All inputs to the brain are finite. (See Sec. 504.04.) |
263.04 We have what we refer to as events and novents (Sec. 524.01). Experiences are always special case event programs. The special cases of music or noise are temporarily tunably sensed frequencies, of whose message significance we become progressively aware and in between which unsensed, untunable, eternal interrelationships persist. There is no verb for eternity. Verbs are always special case. |
264.00 Geometry of Self and Otherness |
264.01 A point is a something, a complex entity system, but an infratunable system. A point occurs as the first moment of awareness of a looming-into-tunability of any system in Universe. A point__or a noise__appears in an angularly determinable direction within the total omnidirectional spherical sphere of reference of the individual observer's sense- informed environment. It is oriented in respect to the observer's head-to-heel axis of reference in respect to which the direction from which the somethingness of infradiscrete tunability__as well as the non-tune-outability of the static__is emanating, as distinct from the nothingness of untuned-in, omnidirectional withinness and withoutness. (See Secs. 505.65, 505.74, and 527.25.) |
264.10 Prime Othernesses: Single and Plural Otherness |
264.11 While environment plus me equals Universe, Universe minus me does not equal environment. |
264.12 Environment does not exist without me. I the observer am the living human experience. Life is the present experience. Experience begins with awareness. No otherness: No awareness. |
265.00 Unity of Triangulation |
265.03 At one early historical moment in that epistemological evolution humans evolved the mathematical concept of dimensionless points, lines, and planes. Their dimensionless lines and planes were aggregates of the dimensionless points, yet these self- contradictory concepts have persisted in the children's school curricula of today, despite the fact that they were adopted long before humans had even dreamed of optical magnifying lenses, let alone electron microscopes. The philosophy that adopted such nonoperational educational devices was predicated__they said__upon "purely imaginary phenomena," and since the image-ination of the brain is entirely furnished with special case experiences of system conceptuality (see Secs. 504.04 and 1056.15), it is appropriate in this moment of instrumentally informed experience to reformulate our experience- substantiated philosophy. |
265.05 The observed otherness can be an organically integral part of the individual observer, for the individual human organism is__at simplest__a system comprised of a myriad of systems, which in turn are comprised of myriads of subsystems of subsystems of subsystems__to the limit of present microexploration capability. And the individual human organism will always consist of systems and never of nonsystems, for less-than-system systems are inherently nondiscoverable. (See Sec.400.011.) |
265.08 As with the “out” of in-out-and-around directions, the ultratunable is ultra to both external and internal experiences of human record. The ultratunable nothingness persists where the electromagnetic wavelengths involved are greater than the span of all humanly remembered experiences; wherefore the last time such a phenomenon occurred was prior to human experience recording, the next time its wave is to peak is unpredictable, because it always takes a minimum of two experiences to define a wavelength, but it always takes a minimum of three identical-magnitude events (waves) and their identical-magnitude wave intervals to definitively arouse humans' awareness that they are experiencing an unfamiliar wave-frequency phenomenon__ergo, to trigger humans' re-cognition capability thus to become aware of the same phenomenon being repeated for a third time (tres-pass) with the same interval of time between them occurring for the second time. (See Sec. 526.23. ) |
265.12 A frequency of four events provides the three intervals that also form the base triangle of the tetrahedron apexed by the initially unpaired, angularly finite event. The insideness and outsideness of this primitively evolved tetrahedron constitute the minimum macrocosm-microcosm-differentiating system of the Universe. This tetrahedron has six angularly directional interrelationship lines interconnecting its four finite events. (See "Observer as Tetrasystem," Sec. 267.) |
265.13 The chief characteristic of frequency is the accommodation of special case systems. Frequency identification begins only upon the recurrence of a directionally continuous fourth similar event along any one line of vertexial interrelationships of a system__ergo, with a minimum of three similar time intervals. An angle, as we learn at Sec. 515.00, is inherently a subfrequency event. Four nonsimultaneous, unique, angular event experiences occurring successively as a trajectory trending in the same direction constitute the minimum constituents for the time-size-measurable special case__i.e., temporal case__identifications. |
266.00 Science and Mathematics in the Language of Electromagnetics |
266.03 A geodesic line is a component concept of systems' interrelationships. |
267.00 Observer as Tetrasystem |
Fig. 267.02A-B |
267.02 |
Inherent tetrahedral relationship. (See Fig. 267.02A.)
Observer is inherently a tetra-system. (See Fig. 267.02B.) |
267.03 Physical self is inherently a tetrahedral observing system with four alternate, "fail-safe," distance-and-direction-sensing circuits. |
267.04 Special case is angularly referenced to the inherent twoness of the polar axis of the system doing the observing, because the observer is a system and the system is four- dimensional. The fact that unity is two (Sec. 513.03) means that an observer is at minimum two, but realistically four, because the observer is a system; and the observed is at minimum two, but being a system, is realistically four. A range-finder is inherently tetrahedral. |
268.00 Omnioriented Tunability |
268.01 We call it a triangle only because the observing system lacks the frequency tunability to see the altitude of the tetrahedron. |
268.07 This inference is also implicit in the closest-packed uniradius spheres, as photographically manifest by atomic agglomerations whose spherical domains are those of their spherical triangles' stabilized orbiting electrons’ great circle patterns and their comprehensive constants of axial rotations, between whose closest packing are the spaces whose space-to-sphere ratio is one to six. Inasmuch as the rhombic triacontahedron volume is five (when the tetrahedron’s volume is 1) and the allspace volume is six as manifest by the allspace-filling rhombic dodecahedron that tangentially embraces the sphere__the space-to-space ratio (or its nonexperience-to-experience, inherently spherical ratio) is clearly manifest in the co-occurring 10F2 + 2 and 6F2 + 2 rates of concentric closest packing of uniradius spheres around a nuclear sphere in which the rate of occurrence of the concentric layers of space modules is twice that of the whole sphere layer occurring__ergo, 5F2 + 2 is to 6F2 + 2 as 5:6. (See Secs. 983.04 and 986.860-64.) |
269.00 Topology of Ins, Outs, and Interrelationships |
269.02 The silence is ultratunable; the noise is infratunable; and the music is tunability itself. Color is special case tunable. |
269.03 In and out are characteristic of the tunability language of electromagnetics. Any or no direction is of equal information importance. |
But there are always the outsideness and the insideness
of tetrahedral system
unity__the ultratunable, omnidirectionless nothingness
and the infratunable, twilight-
radiant-threshold-crossing, directionally oriented somethingness.
Instead of Euler's
vertexes, crossings, or points, we say:
Next Section: 270.00 |