Metaphysical cogitates reliably in respect to equilibrium. |
Physical abhors equilibrium. |
That which is communicated, i.e.,
understood, is metaphysical. |
The means of communication is
physical. |
Metaphysical is unlimited and
generalizable independent of time-space-sizing. |
Physical is limited, experienceable, and
is always special case time space- sized. |
Metaphysical is unweighable,
imponderable, and cannot move an
electromagnetically or mass-at-tracted,
levered needle. |
Physical is always apprehensible by an
instrument's needle leverage actuated
by weight, pressure, heat, or
electromagnetics. |
Metaphysical discoveries clarify ever
more comprehensively, inclusively,
and are more economically
communicable in their progressive
description of the eternally changeless,
and the rate of the more economic
restatability continually
accelerates. |
Physical events are ever transforming
and ever more acceleratingly entropic. |
Humans are metaphysical. You and I
are awareness, which is the identity of
the weightless life. |
The physical, automatedly rebuilding,
information-gathering device we
sensorially apprehend as our anatomy,
employed by metaphysical mind,
consists entirely of inanimate atoms
and is therefore entirely physical.
Conceptioning is metaphysical. |
Sensing is physical, and the sensed is
physical and always inherently special
case. |
Waves are metaphysical pattern integrities. |
Metaphysical pattern integrity waves
articulate as physical phenomena such
as water, air, or electromagnetic fields,
and thus communicate their
nonsensorially apprehensible presence
through the displacement of the
sensibly detectable physical
phenomena. |
Symmetry is metaphysical. |
Asymmetry is physical. |
Equilibrium is metaphysical. |
Disequilibrium is physical. |
Conceptuality is metaphysical and
weightless. Reality is metaphysically
conceptualized information
transmitted only through physical
senses. |
Realizations are special case physical,
brain-sensed phenomena. |
The metaphysical evolution of human
awareness slows as it approaches the
omniintegrated verity __ physically
unattainable by the only-physically-
sensing, anatomical machine designed
specifically only for limited operation
with the highly specialized local
Universe conditions of the Earthian
biosphere. |
Physical systems alone accelerate as
they unravel entropically, ever
approaching the speed of a noninterfered
with electromagnetic, spherically
expansive wave (186,000 mps.)2 |
The generalized conceptions of
metaphysical evolution tend ever to
decelerate, simplify, consolidate and
ultimately unify. |
The special case transformings of
physical evolution tend ever to accelerate,
differentiate, and multiply. |
Generalization is metaphysical: mind
function. Design is generalized
metaphysical conceptioning. |
Tools, artifacts, and all humanly
contrived extracorporeal facilities
designed by mind are always special-case,
brain-processed, physically
sensible phenomena. |
Theoretical and applied science is
conceptually metaphysical. |
Applied science always results in
special-case, brain-sensible, limited-
longevity phenomena. |
Metaphysically operative mind cannot
design a generalized tool of
unlimited and eternal capability, which
unlimited and eternal capability is
manifest only in purely metaphysical,
weightless principles. Principles have
no beginning-ending or other temporal
limitations. Principles are truths |
We can invent only physical. The
human mind, translating the general
ized principles only through special
case, individual, brain-operated
anatomical tools, can realize only
phenomena of special case, limited
capacity capability and durability. |