Entropy is the measurement of disorder within a closed
system. Entropy
measures the lack of information about a structure in
a system. In Eddington’s proof of
irreversibility, he dumps a box of wooden matches on
the table. Each one splinters the
others a little; therefore, there are little hairs and
fibers sticking out. They could never be
put back in the box the same way without pressing, that
is, without investing more energy.
This is how the law of the increase of the random element
operates. The cycle keeps on
time and again, from dust to atoms to proton to neutron.
This is what nature is doing in
high- and low-pressure pulsations.... And then, after
maximum dispersal, comes
reassociation, because Universe is regenerative. One
hundred million years later they will
all be back in the box again. After the last Wow!