When the vector-equilibrium "jitterbug" assembly of
eight triangles and six
squares is opened, it may be hand-held in the omnisymmetry
conformation of the vector
equilibrium "idealized nothingness of absolute middleness."
If one of the vector
equilibrium's triangles is held by both hands in the
following manner__with that triangle
horizontal and parallel to and above a tabletop; with
one of its apexes pointed away from
the holder and the balance of the jitterbug system dangling
symmetrically; with the
opposite and lowest triangle, opposite to the one held,
just parallel to and contacting the
tabletop, with one of its apexes pointed toward the
individual who is handholding the
jitterbug__and then the top triangle is deliberately
lowered toward the triangle resting on
the table without allowing either the triangle on the
table or the triangle in the operator's
hands to rotate (keeping hands clear of the rest of
the system), the whole vector
equilibrium array will be seen to be both rotating equatorially,
parallel to the table but not
rotating its polar-axis triangles, the top one of which
the operating individual is hand-
lowering, while carefully avoiding any horizontal rotation
of, the top triangle in respect to
which its opposite triangle, resting frictionally on
the table, is also neither rotating
horizontally nor moving in any direction at all.