There may be multilayer vector equilibria__two-frequency,
four-frequency, or whatever frequency. The circumferential
vector frequency will always
be identical to that of its radial vector frequency
contraction of the vector equilibrium's
outer layer of unit radius spheres by local surface
rotation of that outer layer's six square
arrays of non-closest-singlelayer packing of tangent
spheres inter-rearranging into closest
triangular packing as in the vector equilibrium's eight
triangular facets, thus transforming
the total outer layer into the icosahedron of equal
outer edge length to that of the vector
equilibrium, but of lesser interior radius than the
vector equilibrium of the same outer edge
length, and therefore of lesser interior volume than
that of the vector equilibrium, ergo
unable to accommodate the same number of interiorally-closest-packed,
centered unit radius spheres as that of the vector equilibrium.
The icosahedron's
multifrequenced outer layer surface arrays of unit radius,
closest-planar-packed spheres
cannot accommodate either concentric layers of unit
radius closest-packed spheres nor__
even at zero frequency__can the icosahedron's 12-ball,
omni-intertangentially triangulated
outer shell accommodate one nuclear sphere of the same
radius as that of its shell spheres.
Icosahedral outer shell arrays of identical frequency
to that of the vector equilibria of the
same frequency, can therefore only occur as single-layer,
symmetrical, enclosure arrays
whose individual spheres cannot be tangent to one another
but must be remotely
equipositioned from one another, thus to form an omni-intertriangulated,
conformed starry array, remotely and omnisurroundingly
occupying the vector
equilibrium's sky at an omnistar orbit-permitting equidistance
remoteness around the
vector equilibrium whose outer shell number of spheres
exactly corresponds to the number
of the icosahedron's "stars." This geometrical dynamically
interpositioning integrity of
relationship strongly suggests the plurality of unique
electron shell behaviors of all the
chemical elements' atoms, and the identical number relationships
of the atoms' outer layer
protons and its electrons; and the correspondence of
the vector equilibrium's number of
concentric closest-packed, nucleus-enclosing layers
with the number of quantumjump-
spaced electron orbit shells; and finally the relative
volume relationship of equi-edged
vector equilibria and icosahedra, which is, respectively,
as 20 is to 18.51, which suggests
the relative masses of the proton and the electron,
which is as 1:1/1836.