It appeared and as yet appears to follow, in conventional,
structural engineering, that if tension is secondary
and local in all men's structural
projections, that tension must also be secondary in
man's philosophic reasoning. As a
consequence, the popular conception of airplane flight
was, at first and for a long time,
erroneously explained as a compressional push-up force
operating under the plane's wing.
It "apparently" progressively compressed the air below
it, as a ski compresses the snow
into a grooved track of icy slidability. The scientific
fact remains, as wind-tunnel
experiments proved, that three-quarters of the airplane's
weight support is furnished by
the negative lift of the partial vacuum created atop
the airfoil. This is simply because, as
Bernoulli showed, it is longer for the air to go around
the top of the foil than under the
foil, and so the same amount of air in the same amount
of time had to be stretched thinner,
ergo vacuously, over the top. This stretching thinner
of the air, and its concomitant greater
effectiveness of interpositioning of bodies (that is,
the airplane in respect to Earth), is our
same friend, the astro- and nucleic-tensional integrity
of dynamic interpatterning causality.