Compression is IN. |
Tension is OUT. |
Compression is dispersive both laterally and circumferentially,
inherently electrostatic because differentiative, divisive, temporary,
and local. |
Tension is omniradially conversive
and is both electromagnetically
and gravitationally
tensive because
eternally and integrally
comprehensive. |
Compression tends to local dichotomy and multiplication
by separation. |
Tension is unit: universally cohering
and comprehensively finite. |
Compression is locally expressive in
discrete tones and frequencies internal to the octave. |
Tension is both internal and external
to the octave and is harmonic with
either the unit octave or octave pluralities.
Compression accumulates potential.
As demonstrated in the arch, compression is limited to absolute, local,
and within-law relationships of one
fixed system. |
Tension is comprehensive, attractive, and gravitational.
Tension is inherently integral and eternally, invisibly, infinitely
comprehensive. Tension is comprehensively without law.
Compression tends toward arcs of
decreasing radius. |
Tension tends toward arcs of increasing radius.
Compressions are plural. | Tension is singular. |
Compression is time. | Tension is eternity. |
Compression is specifically directional. |
Tension is both omni- and supra- directional. |
Compression is inherently partial. | Tension is inherently
total. |