Fail-Safe Advantages: With each increase of frequency
of triangular
module subdivisions of the sphere's unitary surface,
there is a corresponding increase in
the fail-safe advantage of the system's integrity. The
failure of a single triangular cork in
an omnitriangulated spherical grid leaves a triangular
hole, which, as such, is structurally
innocuous, whereas the failure of one stave in a simple-curvature
barrel admits infinity and
causes the whole barrel to collapse. The failure of
two adjacent triangular corks in a
spherical system leaves a diamond-shaped opening that
is structurally stable and
innocuous; similarly, the failure of five or six triangles
leaves a completely arched, finitely
bound, and tensionally closed pent or hex opening that,
being circumferentially surrounded
by great circles, is structurally innocuous. Failure
of a single spherical-tension member
likewise leaves an only slightly relaxed, two-way detoured,
diamonded relaying of the
throughway tensional continuity. Considerable relaxing
of the spherical, triangulated-cork
barrel system by many local tension failures can occur
without freeing the corks to
dangerously loosened local rotatability, because the
great-circle crossings were
interfastened, preventing the tensionally relaxed enlargement
of the triangular bonds. The
higher the frequency and the deeper the intertrussing,
the more fail-safe is this type of
spherical structure.