Such self-deceiving misinterpretations of experiences
have been introduced
by education into human sensing and traditional reasoning
only because of humanity's
microstature and microlongevity in respect to the terrestrial
environment and geological
time. Individual humans have also been overwhelmed by
the momentum of tradition, the
persuasions of "common sense," and a general fear of
questioning long-established and
ultimately power-backed authority and tradition. Thus
has innocent humanity been
misinformed or underinformed by the spoken-word-relayed
inventory of only popularly
explained, naked-eye impressions of local environment
experiences as they have occurred
throughout millions of years prior to humanity's discovery
and development of
instrumentally accommodated, macroscoped and microscoped
exploration of our
comprehensive environment. The experientially obtained,
macro-micro, instrumentally
measured data found no evidence of the existence of
dimensionless "points," "lines," and
"planes," nor of dimensioned "solids," nor of any "thing,"
nor of any noun-designatable,
thing-substantiated, static entities. The experiments
of human scientists have disclosed
only verb-describable events__four-dimensionally coordinate
behaviors of complexedly
and ceaselessly intertransforming events, wavilinear
event trajectories, interferences, and
resonant event fields.