It might be argued that inside and outside are the
same, but this is not so.
While there is an interminable progression of insides
within insides in Experience Universe,
there is only one outside comprehensive to all insides.
So they are not the same, and the
mathematical fact remains that four is the minimum of
realizable triangles that may be
constructed if any are constructed. But that is not
all, for it is also experimentally disclosed
that not only does the construction of one triangle
on the surface of the sphere divide the
total surface into two finite areas each of which is
bound by three edges and three
angles__ergo, by two triangles__but these triangles are
on the surface of a system whose
unity of volume was thereby divided into two centrally
angled tetrahedra, because the
shortest lines on sphere surfaces are great circles,
and great circles are always formed on
the surface of a sphere by planes going through the
center of the sphere, which planes of
the three-greatcircle-arc-edged triangle drawn on the
surface automatically divide the
whole sphere internally into two spherical tetrahedra,
each of which has its four
triangles__ergo, inscribing one triangle "gets you eight,"
like it or not. And each of those
eight triangles has its inside and outside, wherefore
inscribing one triangle, which is the
minimum polygon, like "Open Sesame," inadvertently gets
you 16 triangles. And that is
not all: the sphere on which you scribed is a system
and not the whole Universe, and your
scribing a triangle on it to stake out your ``little
area on Earth" not only became 16
terrestrial triangles but also induced the remainder
of Universe outside the system and
inside the system to manifest their invisible or nonunitarily
conceptual ``minimum
inventorying'' of ``the rest of Universe other than
Earth,'' each of which micro and macro
otherness system integrity has induced an external tetrahedron
and an internal tetrahedron,
each with 16 triangles for a cosmic total of 64 (see