Now the whale's and the crocodile's surfaces will be
at a great variety of
different radii distances from the concentric volumetric
centers of the 200-foot and 20-
foot spheres. We are going now to coat the surfaces
of the transparent whale and
transparent crocodile with a photosensitive emulsion.
Then we have a high-intensity light
source flash at the common volumetric centers of the
20-foot and 200-foot spheres. This
process will reproduce on the plastic skin of both the
whale and the crocodile__as well as
on the celestial 200-foot sphere__the triangular satellite-positioning
grid together with the
latitude-longitude grid and all Earth's continental
and insular outlines. Then, traveling with
a pencil-beam strobic light on the outside of the 200-foot
celestial sphere, we will point
vertically inward against each of the stars, thus projecting
their positions radially, i.e.,
vertically, inwardly to register on the skins of both
the whale and the crocodile and on the
20-foot Earth globe. Now, with the human eye at the
common concentric centers of
volume of the 20-foot and 200-foot spheres, as well
as both the whale and the crocodile,
we may sight outwardly__which is inherently radially__in
all directions, and observe that
all the grids and all the geographical and celestial
star data appear as one grid, being in
exact radial register. We have all the same grids and
data on all four of the concentric
surfaces: 200-foot celestial sphere, whale, crocodile,
and 20-foot Earth globe. That
registering of all data is obviously independent of
radial distance from the common center;
ergo, the only variable in the system is the radius
to any given point within the concentric