The Principle of Synergetic Advantage requires at
we proceed from macro
to micro. Definition requires conceptuality. Conceptuality
requires the generalization of
patterns gleaned from special-case experiences. Systems
are geometrically definable. Self-
stabilizing systems are structures. Conceptuality defines
the basic event experiences and
quantum unit measurement, which altogether constitute
The complex of event sequences is most often characterized
by overlappings. A man is born, grows up,
has children and grandchildren. His life overlaps that
of his grandfather and father and that of his
children and grandchildren. But his grandfather’s life
did not overlap his children’s nor his
grandchildren’s lives. Hence, partially overlapping.
Apparently, man matches the Universe in displaying the
same relative abundance of the 92 self-
regenerative chemical elements.
Whether communication is by telephone hook-up or by
wireless radio, what you and I transmit is only
weightless metaphysical information. Metaphysical, information
appreciative, you and I are not the
telephones nor the wired or wireless means of the metaphysical
information transmitting.