In every triangle each comer angle tension connector
serves as the common
interfulcrum of the two push-pull, rigid lever arms
comprising two of the three sides of the
triangle adjacent to their respectively common angular
corners; each pair of the triangle's
tubular necklace sides, in respect to a given corner
of the triangle, represent levers whose
maximum-advantage ends are seized by the two ends of
the third, rigid, push-pull, tubular
side of the triangle, whose rigidity is imposed by its
command of the two lever arm ends
upon the otherwise flexible opposite angle. Thus we
find that each of the necklace's
triangular rigid tube sides stabilizes its opposite
angle with minimum effort by controlling
the ends of the two levers fulcrumed by that opposite
tension fastening of the triangle.
Thus we find the triangle to be not only the unique
pattern-self-stabilizing, multienergied
complex, but also accomplishing pattern stabilization
at minimum effort, which behavior
coincides with science's discovery of the omni-minimum-effort
behavior of all physical
Universe .