At eternal "outset," the vector equilibrium's frequency
is none__ non, which
is inactive, which is different in meaning from nonexistent.
Zero is the inside-out phase of
conceptual integrity; it is the eternal complementation
of system. Quite the contrary to
"nonexistent," it means only "eternally existent" in
contrast to "temporarily existent."
Experience is all temporary. Between experiences is
the forever eternal metaphysical,
which cannot be converted into existent. Zerophase,
i.e., the absolute integrity, is a
metaphysical potential in pure principle but is inherently
inactive. The inactivity of
zerophase can be converted into activity only by pure
principle of energetic geometrical
propagation of successive positive-negative-positive-negative
aberrational pulsations
which intertransform locally initiated Universe through
vector-equilibrium complex
frequency accommodations in pure principle. The propagative
pulsations are unopposed
by the inherent but eternal, limitless, unoccupied outwardness
of absolute metaphysical
integrity. The unlimited metaphysical conceptual equilibrium
integrity permits the limited
special-case realizations. The limited cannot accommodate
the unlimited. The unlimited
metaphysical can and does accommodate the limited and
principles-dependent physical;
but the physical, which is always experienceable and
special-case, cannot accommodate
the metaphysical independence and unlimited capability.