Fig. 966.05
Arithmetical fourth-power energy evolution order has
been manifest time
and again in experimental physics, but could not be
modelably accommodated by the XYZ-
c.gt.s. system. That the fourth dimension can be modelably
accommodated by synergetics
is the result of complex local intertransformabilities
because the vector equilibrium has, at
initial frequency zero, an inherent volume of 20. Only
eight cubes can be closest packed in
omnidirectional embracement of any one point in the
XYZ system: in the third powering of
two, which is eight, all point-surrounding space has
been occupied. In synergetics, third
powering is allspace-fillingly accounted in tetrahedral
volume increments; 20 unit volume
tetrahedra close-pack around one point, which point
surrounding reoccurs isotropically in
the centers of the vector equilibria. When the volume
around one is 20, the frequency of
the system is at one. When the XYZ system modular frequency
is at one, the cube volume
is one, while in the vector-equilibrium synergetic system,
the initial volume is 20. When
the frequency of modular subdivision of XYZ cubes reads
two, the volume is eight. When
the vector equilibria's module reads two, the volume
is 20F3 = 20 × 8 = 160 tetrahedral
volumes__160 = 25 × 5__thus demonstrating the use of conceptual
models for fourth- and
fifth-powering volumetric growth rates. With the initial
frequency of one and the volume
of the vector equilibrium at 20, it also has 24 × 20
A and B Quanta Modules; ergo is
inherently initially 480 quanta modules. 480 = 25 ×
5 × 3. With frequency of two the
vector equilibrium is 160 × 24 = 3840 quanta modules.
3840 = 28 × 3 × 5. (See Illus.