The significance of this unified field as defining
and embracing the minimum-
maximum limits of the inherent nuclear domain limits
is demonstrated by the nucleus-
concentric, symmetrical, geometrical hierarchy wherein
the rhombic dodecahedron
represents the smallest, omnisymmetrical, selfpacking,
allspace-filling, six-tetra-volume,
uniquely exclusive, cosmic domain of each and every
closest-packed, unit-radius sphere.
Any of the closest-packed, unit-radius spheres, when
surrounded in closest packing by 12
other such spheres, becomes the nuclear sphere, to become
uniquely embraced by four
successive layers of surrounding, closest-packed, unit-radius
spheres__each of which four
layers is uniquely related to that nucleus__with each
additional layer beyond four
becoming duplicatingly repetitive of the pattern of
unique surroundment of the originally
unique, first four, concentric-layered, nuclear set.
It is impressive that the unique nuclear
domain of the rhombic dodecahedron with a volume of
six contains within itself and in
nuclear concentric array:
| __ | the unity-one-radiused sphere of volume five; |
| __ | the octahedron of volume four; |
| __ | the cube of volume three; |
| __ | the prime vector equilibrium of volume 2 l/2; and |
| __ | the two regular (positive and negative) tetrahedra
of volume one each. |
This succession of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 rational volume
relationships embraces the first four
prime numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5. (See Illus.
982.61 in
color section.) The volume-24 (tetra)
cube is the largest omnisymmetrical self-packing, allspace-filling
polyhedron that exactly
identifies the unique domain of the original 12-around-one,
nuclear-initiating, closest
packing of unit-radius spheres. The unit quantum leap
of 1__going to 2__going to
3__going to 4__going to 5__going to 6, with no step greater
than 1, suggests a unique
relationship of this set of six with the sixness of
degrees of freedom.8
(Footnote 8: For further suggestions of the relationship between the rhombic
dodecahedron and the degrees of freedom see Sec.