Limit Cases: Macro, Medio, and Micro: Considered geometrically,
triangles are the only self-stabilizing polygonal patterns__ergo,
only triangles are
structurally stable. Since we cannot construct a polyhedral
system of only two triangles
around each corner (because a polyhedral system must
by definition have an insideness
and an outsideness in order definitively and closingly
to separate the Universe into
macrocosm and microcosm), and since we cannot have six
equilateral triangles around
each vertex of a polyhedral system (for each of the
six would themselves separate out
from the others to form flat planes and could not close
back to join one another to
separate Universe definitively into macrocosm and microcosm)__ergo,
the tetrahedron,
octahedron, and icosahedron constitute the minimum,
middle, and maximum cases of
omnitriangulated__ergo, stabilized__structural subdividings
of Universe into macro,
medio, and micro Universe divisions.