The Doppler effect may also be explained in omnidirectional,
patterning conceptionality, which is more informative
than the familiar linear
conceptioning of the railroad train and "you" at the
crossing. Suppose "you" were flying in
an air transport that exploded; because of the sudden
change in pressure differential
between your innards and your out'ards at high altitude,
you personally have just been
"exploded" into many separate parts, which are receding
from one another at high
velocity. A series of secondary explosions follows elsewhere
from exploding "you" and at
various locales in the center of the galaxy of exploding
debris, as one item after another of
the late airplane's explosive cargo is reached by progressive
concentrations. The sound waves of the successive explosions
speed after your receding
parts, amongst which are your two ear diaphragms, as
yet "stringily" interconnected with
your exploding brain cells, which "hear" the explosion's
sound waves first at low pitch.
But as your parts explode from one another at a decelerating
rate because of air friction,
etc., the waves of remote-explosion sounds "shorten"
and pitches go "up." Now consider
many separate, nonsimultaneous, secondary explosions
of your various exploding parts, all
of varying intensities of energetic content and in varying
degrees of remoteness, and
realize that the decelerations and accelerations of
Doppler effects will render some of the
explosive reverberations infra and some ultra to your
tuning-range limits of hearing, so
that the sum total of heard events provides very different
total conceptioning as heard
from various points in the whole galaxy of exploding
events, whose separate components
would tend to new grouping concentrations.