524.01 We experience events and no-events. Ergo, we invent novent. Novents characterize the finite but nonsensorial remote masses' interattraction, i.e., the gravitational continuum. |
524.02 Seeming "space" is the absence of energy events. The word space as a noun misleadingly implies properties that are altogether lacking. |
524.03 All of our experiences are periodically terminated: the termination characterizes both the physical and the metaphysical aspects of our observing faculties and the observed phenomena. There are no experimentally known continuums. Physics has found no "solids." We have only awake or asleep__experience or nonexperience__occurrence durations and nonoccurrence intervals; either discrete and unique packages of energy or thought, on the one hand, or of nonenergy or nonthought, on the other hand. Each and all of these are as uniquely differentiable, and as separable, from one another as are the individual stars of the Milky Way. |
524.04 The nonevent continuum is the novent. The novent continuum permeates the finitely populated withinness and comprises the finite novent withoutness. Novent is the finite but nonsensorial continuum. (See Sec. 905.20.) |
524.10 In and Out |
524.101 There are no specific directions or localities in Universe that may be opposingly designated as up or down. In their place, we must use the words out and in. We move in toward various individual energy-event concentrations, or we move out from them. But the words in and out are not mirror-image opposites. In is a specific direction toward any one local individual system of Universe. Out is not a direction; out is nondirectional because it is anydirectional. |
524.11 You are always in Universe. You cannot get out of Universe. All the word out means is that you are not inside a system. You can only get out of systems. |
524.12 In designates individual experience foci. Foci are in, because focusable, but always, as entropy shows, temporary. Relationships exist between the ins because they are definable. Out is common to all; out is timeless; out is not really packaged. |
524.13 In is discrete; out is general. The ins are discontinuous; the outs are continuous. Out is nothingness, i.e., nonexperience. Only the nonexperience nothingness constitutes continuum. |
524.14 In is temporal; out is eternal. Ins are knowable; outs are unknowable. In is individually, uniquely identifiable; out, though total, inherently integral, and finite, is nonidentifiable. In is individually, uniquely directional; out is any, all, and no direction. Out is all directions; even when temporarily inward toward center, it passes beyond the center to eventual outness. |
524.20 Areas: Faces |
524.21 It is experimentally demonstrable that an apparent "plane" is a "surface" area of some structural system. There are no experimentally demonstrable continuums. All that has been found is discontinuity, as in star constellations or atomic nuclear arrays. Areas are discontinuous by constructional definition. Areas, as system "faces," are inherently empty of actions or events, and therefore are not "surfaces." |
524.30 Openings |
524.31 There are no surfaces. Therefore, there are no areas. So Euler's topological aspects have to be altered to read: "Lines" = trajectories; "vertexes" = crossings; and "areas" = openings, i.e., where there are no trajectories or crossings. |
524.32 When three or more "lines," "vectors," or trajectories each cross two others, we have an opening. Our definition of an opening is that it is surrounded, i.e., framed, by trajectories. |
524.33 Every trajectory in a system will have to have at least two crossings. These are always as viewed, because the lines could be at different levels from other points of observation. |
525.00 Solids: Matter
525.01 If subvisibly modulated spiraling wave lines cannot go through the same point at the same time, there can be no continuous, perfectly level planes. Planes are not experimentally demonstrable. Solids are not experimentally demonstrable. Physical experiment has never discovered any phenomena other than discontinuous discrete-energy events, each uniquely identifiable amongst the gamut of frequencies of cyclic discontinuity of all the physical phenomena, as comprehensively and overlappingly arrayed in the vast frequency ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum "reality" has been found experimentally to embrace all known physical phenomena: visible, subvisible, or ultravisible thus far detected as present in Universe. There are no solids. The synergetic behavior of structures satisfactorily explains as discontinuous that which we have in the past superficially misidentified as "solid." |
525.02 For a microscopic example of our spontaneous and superficial misapprehending and miscomprehending environmental events, we must concede that both theoretically and experimentally we have now learned and "know" that there are no "solids," no continuous surfaces, only Milky Way-like aggregations of remotely interdistanced atomic events. Nonetheless, society keeps right on seeing, dealing, and superficially cerebrating in respect to "things" called "solids" or "matter." |
525.03 Take the simple word solid. We have physics of the "solid state," a very late phase of physics very improperly called "solid." Even in solid state, the voids between the atoms are as voids of interstellar space. The nucleus itself is as empty as space itself. But the concept "solid" was a comfortable kind of concept, not easy to jettison. |
525.10 Frequency and Interval |
525.11 Mass is a statement of relative event frequency per volume. For example, there may be something too massive for me to put my finger through because it has too high an event frequency. |
526.00 Space
526.01 There is no universal space or static space in Universe. The word space is conceptually meaningless except in reference to intervals between high-frequency events momentarily "constellar" in specific local systems. There is no shape of Universe. There is only omnidirectional, nonconceptual "out" and the specifically directioned, conceptual "in." We have time relationships but not static-space relationships. |
526.02 Time and space are simply functions of velocity. You can examine the time increment or the space increment separately, but they are never independent of one another. |
526.03 Space is the absence of events, metaphysically. Space is the absence of energy events, physically. |
526.04 The atmosphere's molecules over any place on Earth's surface are forever shifting position. The air over the Himalayas is enveloping California a week later. The stars now overhead are underfoot twelve hours later. The stars themselves are swiftly moving in respect to one another. Many of them have not been where you see them for millions of years; many burnt out long ago. The Sun's light takes eight minutes to reach us. We have relationships__but not space. |
526.05 You cannot get out of Universe. You are always in Universe. (See Sec. 320, Scenario Universe. See Sec. 524, Novent.) |
526.10 Systematic Inclusion and Exclusion of Space
[526.10-526.35 Space Scenario]
526.101 Space is the antithesis of solid. Both are misnomers. Solid (or mass) refers to locals of too high an event frequency for our physical members to penetrate or conceivably tune in. Space refers to locals of an event frequency per volume too low for our apprehending equipment to tune in. |
526.11 Space is systemic inadvertency. Space is all the observer's untuned-in information. |
526.12 Space is the inescapable awareness of unaccounted otherness: the otherness is unconsidered but always and only co-occurrent with system considerations. |
526.13 Space is finite as a complementary of finite Scenario Universe. As a co- occurrent, complementary function of finite but non-unitarily-conceptual and non- unitarily-tune-in-able Scenario Universe, space is finite. Space does not have definable properties. Only systems have definable characteristics. |
526.14 The cognitive awareness of space derives from definition of system characteristics whose topological interrelationships inherently and oherently divide Universe into insideness microcosmic space and outsideness macrocosmic space. Systems have 32 topological characteristics (enumerated at Sec. 1044). |
526.15 Systems capture. Systems exclude. Systems capture all the special case, twilight-zone, only-grossly-tuned-in but as-yet-differentially-undefinable, outwardly neighboring "otherness" systems as well as all the inward, untunable, nonsystem space. Systems exclude the twilight zone of only-partially-tuned-out, no-longer-differentially- definable, outwardly neighboring otherness systems as well as all the outward, untunable, nonsystem space. Systems capture all the infratunable, concentric tween-waves that are too-high-frequency for experience-intuited-expectancy space nothingness and exclude all the ultratunable, concentric tween-waves that are too-lowfrequency for experience- intuited-expectancy space nothingness. |
526.16 "Solids" are the frequencies that are too high for differential tune-in-ability. Space is the integral of all the frequencies that are too low for tune-in-ability. |
526.17 Included spaces and excluded spaces are both concentric. Tuning = dismissal of irrelevancies. Those too large and of too low frequency are dismissed omnidirectionally. Those too small and of too high frequency are dismissed inwardly. The tuning phenomenon is either inward or omnidirectional . |
526.18 Insideness is the captured nothingness. Insideness becomes the conceptually embraced, system-defined space. Outsideness is the conceptual-system-defined, outwardly uncaptured nothingness. Without systems there can be no space awareness. (Compare Sec.1053.824.) Systems are awareness concepts. Space is nonconceptual awareness. |
526.19 Space is a finite but nondefinable complementary relationship function of the definability of singular or plural system characteristics and their interrelationships. System is all the relevant thought, all the think-about-ableness. Space is all the unthink-about-able irrelevancy. |
526.191 Space is the aggregate of all the vector equilibrium nulls of all magnitudes and frequencies of all isotropic vector matrixes always potentially articulatable in all directions from any point of origin. |
526.20 Visual Aspects of Space |
526.21 Where there is no radiation, there is no light. If it had always been "night," I doubt that people would have invented the word space. At night you have no sense of otherness__no sense of space complementation of system-defining limits. Space is a "visual" word, touch being an ultra-highfrequency "visualization." |
526.22 Space is concentric and multisystem partitionable. Space is never linear. It takes four events to define three intervals. The special case events appear to be linear only because they are always successively experienced. Potential periodicity__special case, time-size__is initially cognizable when recurring after the same interval as that recalled as existing between the first and second similar systemic events experienced, but only upon the third recurrence of the similar systemic experience event do we have four similar systemic events to define three similar intervals__ergo, to confirm the periodicity that could only be intuitively anticipated after the third similar event experience had marked a second similar between-events interval. |
526.23 It takes a minimum of four similar-system-experiencing event recurrences to produce three similar between-event intervals and differentially excite a recollected pattern cognition that confirms the periodicity__a periodicity that was only intuitively and speculatively anticipated at the time of the third similar-system experiencing. The confirmatory fourth event and its third similarly intervalled recurrence cognition in turn introduce the inherently minimum sixness of convergent interrelationships of any four subdifferentiable points of tunably identifiable system experiences-which four, together, always define the four corners of a larger system. (Compare Secs. 265.08-13 265.08-13, 501.24, 987.073, and 1033.601. ) |
526.24 Our eyesight is stroboscopic at 60 cycles per second. Because of the lags in apprehension we are not aware of the "between-takes" intervals. We do not sensingly realize that the nothingness is concentrically permeating the concentrically waved recurrent somethingnesses. |
526.25 The phenomenon death is as yet ultratunable system experience. We have no way of knowing whether any single, dual, or triple recurring experience events are to be followed by a fourth, as-yet-unexperienced, similar event which, if and when it occurs, may constitute a system-tuning-in, live realization of the omnioccurring, infratunable, tunable, and ultratunable systems' concentric intervalling. Death is intervalling. Life and death are always and only co-occurrent, life being concentrically successive tuning-ins and death being the as yet nontuned-in. (See Secs. 262.10 262.10 and 531.10.) |
526.26 Out is any-directional. You go in to go out because out is not only any direction but is all directions__electromagnetically speaking it is "tuned-out." (See Sec. 905.21.) In is what we are thinking about now. In is the momentary reality into which we are tuned. All the rest is for the moment tuned-out but equally real as the information or experience is progressively tuned-in. |
526.27 Physics finds that Universe has no solid things surrounded by, and interspersed with, space. Life is an inventory of tuning-ins and tuning-outs of experience. Birth is the first tuning in; death may not be the last. |
526.30 Systematic Communication of Space |
526.31 Space is the invisible complementation of the cognitive system. Like the rubber glove, cognition is left hand; space is inside-out right hand, and vice versa. |
526.32 Space is the unconsidered complement of the conceptually considered episode and its only neighboringly overlapped episodes of Scenario Universe. Space is the untuned-in complement of considerability and conceptuality. |
tuned & untuned in & out |
526.33 Special case is always tune-in-able. Special case is imaginable by brain. Conceptuality is a function of mind. Conceptuality is a priori independent of special case frequency tunability. Conceptuality is generalized, and the space complementation of generalized conceptuality is generalized. Space is generalization. Death is the omnidirectional otherness of as-yet physically realized Scenario Universe. Death is the as- yet unborn set of all the unconsidered special cases of all the as-yet undiscovered__ergo, as-yet-unconsidered__generalized principles. |
526.34 Conceptuality and its complementary space generalizations do not account or embrace the a priori mystery, the integrity of eternally regenerative Scenario Universe. All the inherent, concentric, systemic conceptuality, its internal spatial intervals, and its external spatial embracement are altogether both subordinate and supraordinate to the nonconsiderability of such a priori mystery as . . . How come Universe? |
526.35 Systems divide all of Universe. Thought divides all of Universe. Thought is inherently systemic__whose inherency always has its oherency of space. Only systems can communicate space. Space is systems-defined-and-deferred awareness of potentially tunable otherness. |
Next Section: 527.00 |