Tetrakaidecahedron: The tetrakaidecahedron__Lord Kelvin's
the most nearly spherical of the regular conventional
polyhedra; ergo, it provides the most
volume for the least surface and the most unobstructed
surface for the rollability of least
effort into the shallowest nests of closest-packed,
most securely self-cohering, allspace-
filling, symmetrical, nuclear system agglomerations
with the minimum complexity of
inherently concentric shell layers around a nuclear
center. The more evenly faceted and the
more uniform the radii of the respective polygonal members
of the hierarchy of
symmetrical polyhedra, the more closely they approach
rollable sphericity. The four-facet
tetrahedron, the six-faceted cube, and the eight-faceted
octahedron are not very rollable,
but the 12-faceted, one-sphere-containing rhombic dodecahedron,
the 14-faceted vector
equilibrium, and the 14-faceted tetrakaidecahedron are
easily rollable.