Fig. 401.05
With only one restraint, the ball was moving omnidirectionally
multidimensionally. With two restraints, it was moving
in a plane; with three restraints, it
moves only in a line. I now conclude that it is more
probable that I can concentrate all the
restraints operating upon me from all the stars because
of the multidirectional pull of all
the stars actually pulling me. I conclude that there
is much redundancy but that four
restraints is closer to a matter of reality than three
restraints. When we attach a fourth
restraint perpendicular to the center of the drumhead
and pull it only in the "fro" direction,
the ping-pong ball "me" seems at last to be immobilized.
With four restraints the ping-
pong ball "me" can no longer move either toward or away
from any other parts of the
Universe. But the ball can twist locally, that is, it
can rotate in place around an axis, and
that axis itself can incline at many angles, as does
the gyroscope top, without alteration of
its volumetric center position in respect to the four
vertexial star groups. Because the
vectors are coming together in nonequilateral quadrangles,
i.e., in trapeoids, the restraints
are not intertriangulated, and we have learned experimentally
that only triangles are stable.
(See Sec. 610, Triangulation.)
Therefore, it is possible
for the ball to "turbine," rotate, and
precess locally in place without altering the geometrical
position at volume center of the
celestial tetrahedron from whose four corners the four
vectors of restraint were imposed.
The six edges of the celestial spherical tetrahedron
represent the three mass-attraction
restraints imposed on each of the tetrahedron's four
corner mass centers as each being in
normal acceleration is precessionally restrained from
exiting from Universe. Each of the
four corners' group massiveness is restrained by all
three of the other tetrahedral corner
mass centers. Any one of the massmoment acceleration
tendencies to part company with
the others is overpowered three-to-one by the three
others. Thus the cohering integrity of
Universe is manifest to us by consideration of the celestial
advantage points from which
our four central restraints were mounted. Though the
ping-pong "me" ball can be twisted
and torqued in place, it cannot be moved from its tetrahedral
center position. To prevent
local in-position twist and torque, each of the four
corner tensional restraints will have to
be multiplyingly replaced by three restraints, all springing
from three external points at
each of the four tetrahedral corners; and each of the
three tensions from any one of the
four corners must cross the others triangularly and
be attached tangentially to the ball at
the center. These 12 now completely restrain any motion
of the central ball in relation to
the other four.