One Tetra Edge Constant: Using a constant-volume,
vectorially edged
tetrahedron ABCD with six edges AB, AC, AD, BC, BD,
and CD, and with only one of
those six edge lengths holding a constant length AB,
all five of the tetrahedron's other
edge lengths may covary as the tetrahedron rotates around
the fixed edge length AB,
which acts as an axis of rotation. While the axis AB
is precessionally tilted within its
celestial theater, it is experientially demonstrable
that__without changing the tetrahedron's
volume or its constant-length vector AB__its two other
corners C and D may interconnect
the AB-fixed-length-axis points with any other two points
in Universe no matter how
remote from one another. This is the reason why electromagnetic
waves can interlink any
points in Universe in response to a given constant wavelength
AB. (Compare Secs.
, and