If the first triangle CDE defined by the three diagonals
surrounding the A
corner of the cube is rotated on the axis forrned by
the diagonal leading from that corner
of the cube inwardly to its polarly opposite and oppositely
triangled B corner, the rotated
triangle maintains its attitude at right angles to its
axis, and its three vertexes move along
the three edges of the cube until the green triangle
reaches and become congruent with the
red base triangle of the axially opposite corner. Thereafter,
if the rotation continues in the
same circular direction, the same traveling triangle
will continue to travel pulsatingly, back
and forth, becoming alternately the base triangle of
the positive and then of the negative
tetrahedron. As the triangle returns from its first
trip away, its corners follow three
additional edges of the cube. As the vertexes of the
shuttling triangle follow the six cube
edges, their apexes protrude and describe spherical
arcs outwardly along the cubes' edges
running from cube corner to cube corner. Swift rotation
of the triangle's shaft not only
causes the triangle to shuttle back and forth, but also
to describe six of the 12 edges of the
spherical cube producing an equatorially spheroid pulsation.
The two equal tetrahedra are
not only oppositely oriented, but their respective volumetric
centers (positive and
negative) are congruent, being joined at their common
centers of volume, which coincide
with that of the containing cube. Because each cube
in the eight-cube, two-frequency big
cube has both a positive and a negative tetrahedron
in it, and because each tetrahedron has
four triangular faces, each cube has eight equilateral
triangular edges corresponding to the
12 diagonalling hypotenuses of each cube's six faces.