Weightless, abstract human mind reviews and from time
to time discovers
mathematically reliable and abstractly statable interrelationships
existing between and
amongst, but not "in" or "of," any of the special-case
experience components of the
relationship. When a long-term record of testing proves
the relationship to persist without
exception, it is rated as a scientifically generalized
principle. Whenever human mind
discovers a generalized principle to exist amongst the
special-case experience sets, the
discovery event itself becomes a new special-case experience
to be stored in the brain bank
and recalled when appropriate. Amongst a plurality of
brain-stored, newly understood
experiences, mind has, from time to time, discovered
greater and more significant
understandings, which in their turn as discoveries,
which are "experiences," constitute
further very special-case experiences to be stored in
the recallable and reconsiderable brain
bank's wealth of special-case experiences.