The three postnatal senses the child coordinates are
secondary. The first
prenatal one, the tactile, is primary. The real emphasis
of the judgment of life is on the
tactile, the primary, the thing you can touch.2 The ranges
of the first three senses are so
close together, and sight is so different, that we may
best rank them as #1, touch, being a
primary set; with both #2, olfactoral coupled with #3,
aural, as a secondary set; and #4
sight, as a tertiary set: wherefore in effect, touch
is the yesterday set; while the olfactoral
and aural (what you are smelling, eating, saying, and
hearing) are the now set; while sight
(what only may be next) is the future set. (We can seem
to see, but we have not yet come
to it.) Whereas reality is eternally now, human apprehending
demonstrates a large
assortment of lags in rates of cognitions whose myriadly
multivaried frequencies of
myriadly multivaried, positive-negative, omnidirectional
aberrations, in multivaried
degrees, produce such elusively off-center effects as
possibly to result in an illusionary
awareness of an approximately unlimited number of individually
different awareness
patterns, all of whose relative imperfections induce
the illusion of a reality in which "life"
is terminal, because physically imperfect; as contrasted
to mind's discovery of an omni-
interaccommodative complex of a variety of different
a priori, cosmic, and eternal
principles, which can only be intellectually discovered,
have no weight, and apparently
manifest a perfect, abstract, eternal design, the metaphysical
utterly transcendent of the
(Footnote 2: You can reflect philosophically on some of the
things touch does, like making people want to get their
hands on the coin, the key, or whatever it may be.)