Trigonometry: The way we were taught in school about
fractions leads to
inconsistency. We were taught that fractions can be
multiplied, divided, added, and
subtracted only when the fractions consisted of identical
entities. We could not divide
three elephants by four oranges. However, trigonometry
introduced functions__which are
fractions or ratios, e.g., the sine, cosine, tangent,
cotangent, and so forth. Contradicting
our earlier lessons about fractions, these trigonometric
fractions do mix together angles
and edges of spherical triangles. This inconsistency
could have been avoided by starting
our geometry with spherical trigonometry. We would recognize
that what we call a great
circle arc or "edge" is indeed a central angle of the
sphere. We would learn that we have
central and external angles. We would spontaneously
see that plane geometry derived
from solid geometry and is an oversimplification of
localized and superficial aspects of
systems. This brings us back to angle and frequency
modulation, i.e., outward, inward,
and circumferentially around, complementary angle and
frequency oscillations and
pulsations and the congruence of the linear and angular
frequency modulations. By
teaching children plane geometry before teaching them
spherical trigonometry, society
became harnessed with a mathematical contradiction wherein
trigonometry deliberately
ratioed edge lines with angles__which clearly seemed
to be forbidden by arithmetical
fractions' law. Single lines are seemingly very different
from angles, because angles
involve two (convergent) lines. If, however, instead
of starting elementary education with
unrealistic, linear, one-dimensional arithmetic; and
then going on to two-dimensional plane
geometry; and thence to three-dimensional cubes; and
thence to spherical trigonometry ...
if we instead start synergetically with whole systems
such as spherical trigonometry, we
altogether avoid the concept of an edge and instead
learn that the arc-defined edges of
spherical triangles are the central angles of the sphere;
wherefore both the arc edges and
corners are angles, ergo ratioable. Now, having both
surface angles and central angles, we
discover that spherical trigonometry is always dealing
with whole tetrahedra whose
interior apexes are always at the center of the spherical
system; and three of whose
triangular faces are the great-circle plane triangles
hidden within the spheric system; and
whose fourth triangular face is always the arc-chord
surface triangle of the sphere. These
central- and surface-angle understandings are fundamental
to transformational thinking,
which deals with the falling-inward and precessing-outward