Gravitational behavior is an operational concept embracing
the following
- Spheres contain the most volume with the least surface.
- Nature always employs only the most economical intertransformative
omnicosmically interrelated behavioral stratagems.
- With each event in Universe there are always 12
unique degrees of freedom (see
Sec. 537.06).
- Falling bodies manifest a mathematically uniform,
second-power, exponential rate
of acceleration (discovered by Galileo).
- Hidden within the superficial disorder of individual
omnidifferences__differences of
size; differences in distance from the Sun; and differences
in Sun-orbiting rates__there
nonetheless exists an elegantly exact, one-to-one mathematical
correspondence in the
Sun's planets' intercoordinate behaviors manifest by
the equiareas of the radii- and arc-
bounded, piece-of-apple-pie-shaped, areal sweepouts,
within an identical time span, of all
the Sun's planets as they orbit elliptically around
the Sun at vast distances from one
another, all accomplished without any visible mechanical
interlinkage such as gears, yet
whose orbiting around the Sun (rather than flying off
tangentially from those orbits by
centrifugal force, as do the round iron balls released
by hammer-throwing athletes)
altogether suggests that some incredibly powerful interattractiveness
is operative. (All of
the foregoing planetary behavior was discovered by Kepler.
Compare Sec.
- The above discoveries (1-5) were correlated by Newton
to reveal:
First, that the prime interattractiveness magnitude
existing between two mutually
remote bodies, as compared to the prime interattractiveness
existing between any other
two mutually remote bodies, is arrived at by multiplying
each of the respective couples'
separate masses by one another; and
Second, as a cosmic generalization of the second-power,
time-distance acceleration rate
of Galileo's Earthward-falling bodies, Newton discovered
the second-power mathematical
rate of interattractiveness gain occurring with each
halving of the intervening distance of
any two given celestial bodies; whereby it was thereafter
shown by other astronomers that
there are interrelationship behaviors manifest in physical
Universe that are in no wise
indicated to be interoperative between those bodies
by any or all of the unique and integral
geometrical, chemical, or physical characteristics of
any one of the mass-interattracted
bodies when either one is only separately considered.
- Synergy means behavior of whole systems unpredicted
by the integral
characteristics of any of the systems' separate parts;
thus it has come to pass that it has
been synergetically proven that Copernicus was right,
for the exponentially ever-increasing
interattractiveness of bodies freed of other external
restraints must induce their ultimate
huddling together in the most economical volume-to-enclosing-surface
manner, which, as
the number of converging bodies increases, is that of
the spherical conformation.