Nature is said to abhor an equilibrium as much as she
abhors a perfect
vacuum or a perfect anything. Heisenberg's indeterminism
and quasiprecision mechanics'
recognition of inherent inaccuracy of observation or
articulation seems to suggest that the
asymmetric deviations and aberrations relative to equilibrium
are inherent in the
imperfection of a limited life of humans with a tightly
limited range of perceptible
differentiation of details of its experience. Nature
demonstrates her abhorrence of
equilibrium when an airplane in flight slows to a speed
that reduces the airfoil "lift" and
brings the airplane's horizontal flight forces into
equilibrium with Earth gravity's vertically
Earthward pull. The plane is said then to stall, at
which moment the plane's indeterminate
direction makes it unmanageable because the rudder and
elevator surfaces lack enough
passing air to provide steerability, and the plane goes
swiftly through equilibrium and into
an Earthward-spinning plunge. Despite the untenability
of equilibrium, it seemed to me
that we could approach or employ it referentially as
we employed a crooked line__the
deliberately nonstraight
(see Sec. 522)
line that approaches
but never reaches the perfect
or exact. A comprehensive energy system could employ
the positive and negative
pulsations and intertransformative tendencies of equilibrium.
The vector equilibrium
became the logical model of such omnidimensional, omniexperience-accommodation
studies. Because we have learned that scientists have
experimental evidence only of waves
and wavilinearity and no evidence of straight lines,
it became evident that the radial and
circumferential vectors of the vector equilibrium must
be wavilinear, which meant that as
coil springs when compressioned will lessen in length
and when tensed will be increased in
length__ergo, the explosive disintegrative radial forces
of Universe would compress and
lessen in outward disintegrative length and would be
well inside the closed-back-on-itself,
hexagonally tensed, embracing vectors, indicating a
higher effectiveness of tensile integrity
of Universe over any locally disintegrative forces.
The comprehensive vector-equilibrium
system would also have to recognize all the topological
interpatterning characteristics and
components; also, as a quasi-equilibrious system, all
of its structural component vectors
would have to be approximately the same length; therefore,
all the interangulation would
have to be in aberration increments relative to 60 degrees
as the equilibrious norm.