Fig. 986.421
Of all the allspace-filling module components, the
simplest are the three-
quanta-module Mites, consisting of two A Quanta Modules
(one A positive and one A
negative) and of one B Quanta Module (which may be either
positive or negative). Thus a
Mite can be positive or negative, depending on the sign
of its B Quanta Module. The
Mites are not only themselves tetrahedra (the minimum-sided
polyhedra), but they are also
the simplest minimum-limit case of allspace-filling
polyhedra of Universe, since they
consist of two energy-conserving A Quanta Modules and
one equivolume energy-
dispersing B Quanta Module. The energy conservation
of the A Quanta Module is
provided geometrically by its tetrahedral form: four
different right-triangled facets being
all foldable from one unique flat-out whole triangle
(Fig. 913.01),
which triangle's
boundary edges have reflective properties that bounce
around internally to those triangles
to produce similar smaller triangles: Ergo, the A Quanta
Module acts as a local energy
holder. The B Quanta Module is not foldable out of one
whole triangle, and energies
bouncing around within it tend to escape. The B Quanta
Module acts as a local energy
dispenser. (See Fig.