Fig. 527.703
The educational authorities in the art and science
of "plane" and "solid"
geometry disregard the environmental otherness: They
assume an infinitely extendible
imaginary plane upon which they mark apart two infradimensional
imaginary points A and
B between which they can draw an imaginary shortest
straight line whose "length" AB
constitutes their academic mathematicians' first-dimensional
state. They then mark apart
on the same infinite imaginary plane third and fourth
points C and D, which are then
linearly interconnected by another "straight" line CD
in the same imaginary plane with,
parallel to, and at an AB distance from, line AB, with
a third line CA drawn in the same
plane perpendicular to line AB at A, and a fourth line
DB in the same imaginary plane
drawn perpendicular to line AB at B, whereby either
of the lines CA or DB constitutes the
"breadth," which is the educators' second-dimensional
state. They then erect four
AB__long lines perpendicular to the first imaginary plane
at points A', B', C' and D',
respectively. They then draw the imaginary straight
lines A'B', B'C', C'D', and D'A'.
With all this so-called construction-which would collapse
in the presence of gravitational
reality__they have now attained their third-dimensional
state of "height" above their two-
dimensional square plane base. This assumedly produces
three-dimensional reality, which
by virtue of their constructional strategy suggests
to them that reality is only cubically
measurable or comprehensible.