Fig. 936.19
As we tense the octahedron, it strains until one vector
(actually a double, or
unity-as-two, vector) yields its end bondings and precesses
at 90 degrees to transform the
system into three double-bonded (face-bonded) tetrahedra
in linear arc form. This tetra-
arc, embryonic, electromagnetic wave is in neutral phase.
The seemingly annihilated__but
in fact only separated-out-quantum is now invisible
because vectorless. It now becomes
invisibly face-bonded as one invisible tetrahedron.
The separated-out quantum is face-
bonded to one of the furthermost outward triangular
faces occurring at either end of the
tetra-arc array of three (consisting of one tetra at
the middle with each of the two adjacent
tetra face-bonded to it); the fourth invisible tetrahedron
is face-bonded to one or the other
of the two alternatively vacant, alternatively available
furthermost end faces of the tetra-
arc group. With this fourth, invisible tetrahedral addition
the overall triple-bonded
tetrahedral array becomes either rightwardly or leftwardly
spiraled to produce a four-
tetrahedron tetrahelix, which is a potential, event
embryo, electromagnetic-circuitry gap
closer. Transmission may thereafter be activated as
a connected chain of the inherently
four-membered, individual-link continuity. This may
explain the dilemma of the wave vs
the particle. (See Sec.
973.30, Fig.
936.19, and color
plates 6 and 7.)