Scientific entry into the present realm of nuclear
competence was accomplished with the awkward irrational
tools of the centimeter-gram-second (CGS)2 measurement
and the Cartesian XYZ 90-degree coordinate system.
But the awkwardness had
to be corrected by Planck's constant to produce reliable,
usable information. The development and adoption of
the great computers has now relieved humans of the
onerous computational tasks entailed in the corrective
processing by the irrational constants
necessitated by the ineptness of the arithmetical rigidity
of arbitrarily exclusive, three-dimensional interpretation
of Euclidean geometric mensuration. These irrational
constants interlink the many separately evolved quantation
techniques of the separately
initiated explorations of the many separate facets
of universal experience__for instance, biology, crystallography,
or physics are called separate, "specialized"' scientific
inquiries by academic departments and surrounded by
electrically charged barbed wire. Because these tasks
are being carried by the computers, and men are getting
along all right on their blind-flown scientific pilgrimages,
realization of the significance of the sensorially
conceptual facility of dealing with
nature that is opened up by synergetics has been slow.
(Footnote 2: Or, more properly, the centermeter-gram-temperature-second,
CGtS measurement.)