Our scenario, titled "Experimentally Certified Scientific
Proofs," opens with
a child standing outdoors, glancing all around, pausing
to look more intently at an
aggregate of generalized somethings, and finally focusing
upon a special case something:
- a point-to-ability
- a surface of something
- a substance having "insideness and outsideness." The
smallest thing we know
of__the atom__has a withinness nucleus and one or more
- a big something fastened to the Earth
- picture of the Matterhorn
- minimum of three faces around a corner
- child breaks off piece of something
- separate individual "things"
- child takes hammer and breaks rock
- nature breaks big rocks
- humans blast apart rock cliff with dynamite
- picture of rocks on Earth
- picture of rocks on Moon
- picture of rocks on Mars
- picture of big rocks broken into smaller rocks.
- picture of small rocks broken into sand
- picture of sandy beach
- picture of individual grains of sand
- minimum separable something has a minimum of four
corners, each surrounded
by a minimum of three faces; each face is surrounded
at minimum by three
edges. "Minimum somethings" consist altogether of a
minimum of four
corners, four faces, six edges, 12 angles, insideness,
outsideness, concavity,
convexity, and two poles of spinnability__a minimum total
of 32 unique
geometrical features (Sec. 1044)
- picture of one tetrahedron
- picture of tetrahedron turning inside out in four
different ways as each of four
corner vertexes plunges through their respective four
opposite triangular
openings to produce four different positive and four
different negative
tetrahedra, for a total of eight different tetrahedra
- picture of four great circle planes of tetrahedron
all going through a common
center to produce both the zero volume tetrahedron and
the vector
equilibrium's eight tetrahedra with only nuclear-congruent
- minimum of four cosmically different tetrahedra:
- the tuned-in, at-presently-considered-complex system__a
tetrahedral time-size somethingness
- the infra-tuned-in micro-tetra-nothingness
- the ultra-tuned-in macro-tetra-nothingness
- the metaphysical, only primitively conceptual, timeless-sizeless tetra.