Now we return to Consideration 13 of this discussion
and its discovery of
the surface-to-central-angle interexchanging wave succession
manifest in the cosmic
hierarchy of ever-more-complex, primary structured polyhedra__an
interchanging of
inside-out characteristics that inherently produces
positive-negative world conditions;
ergo, it propagates__inside-to-outside-to-in__pulsed frequencies.
With this kind of self-
propagative regenerative function in view, we now consider
exploring some of the
implications of the fact that the triangle C'AB is foldable
into the E Quanta Module and is
also nestable into the T Quanta Module, which produces
many possibilities:
- The triangle AC'B will disconnect and reverse its
faces and complete the enclosure
of the T Quanta Module tetrahedron.
- The 120 T Quanta Modules, by additional tension-induced
twist, take the AC"B
triangles AB ends end-for-end to produce the additional
radius outwardly from O to
convert the T Quanta Modules into "Einstein" E Quanta
Modules, thus radiantly exporting
all 120 modules as photons of light or other radiation.
- The triangle AC"B might disconnect altogether, fold
itself into the miniature T
Quanta Module, and plunge inwardly to fill its angularly
matching central tetrahedral
- The outer triangle may just stay mishinged and flapping,
to leave the tetrahedron's
outer end open.
- The outer triangle might come loose, fold itself
into a miniature T Quanta Module,
and leave the system.
- The 120 miniature T Quanta Modules might fly away
independently__as, for
instance, cosmic rays, i.e., as minimum modular fractions
of primitive systems.
- All 120 of these escaping miniature T Quanta Modules
could reassemble themselves
into a miniature 1/120 triacontahedron, each of whose
miniature T Module's outer faces
could fold into mini-mini T Modules and plunge inwardly
in ever-more-concentrating
demonstration of implosion, ad infinitum.
There are 229,920 other possibilities that any one of
any other number of the 120
individual T Module tetrahedra could behave in any of
the foregoing seven alternate ways
in that vast variety of combinations and frequencies.
At this borderline of ultrahigh
frequency of intertransformability between matter and
electromagnetic radiation we gain
comprehension of how stars and fleas may be designed
and be born.