This four-great-circle interaction in turn defines
the 24 equilengthed
vectorial radii and 24 equi-lengthed vector chords of
the VE. The 24 radii are grouped, by
construction, in two congruent sets, thereby to appear
as only 12 radii. Because the 24
radial vectors exactly equal energetically the circumferentially
closed system of 24
vectorial chords, we give this system the name vector
equilibrium. Its most unstable, only
transitional, equilibrious state serves nature's cosmic,
ceaseless, 100-percent-energy-
efficient, self-regenerative integrity by providing
the most expansive state of
intertransformation accommodation of the original hierarchy
of primitive, pre-time-size,
"click-stop" rational states of energy-involvement accountabilities.
Here we have in the
VE the eight possible phases of the initial positive-negative
tetrahedron occurring as an
inter-double-bonded (edge-bonded), vertex-paired, self-inter-coupling
nuclear system.